Defeat them and then use your shovel on the soil spot between the four pieces of grass to dig up We’ve done just about all we can do, so with that in mind, head right a screen, down a screen, left a screen, and then enter the third dungeon of the game, Key Cavern.From the start of the dungeon the door at the top of the screen will shut close. Defeat the darknut on the left side of the room and you will be rewarded with the 4th You’ll now be outside, but there isn’t much to do so just enter the other door found here. Never miss a thing. Link’s Awakening was one of the few games that took advantage of this feature.) Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Each time you lift up a bomb it resets its detonation time, which means you can have multiple chances at hitting the dodongo with a single bomb. Once all the enemies are gone a small key will drop from the ceiling, so let’s go and grab it. Take the ribbon to the house with the Chain Chomp outside it and go in the right-hand door. You can lift the pots and jump to get the floating bombs, as we’ll need them in just a moment. Make your way back down towards the shore and walk right as soon as you reach the sand. This adventure is set on the mysterious Koholint Island, where castaway Link must find a way to escape from the island and return to his beloved homeland of Hyrule.This guide is written narratively, mostly in the third person, to give it a story-book quality. Lift the stones with the power bracelet and head up a screen where you will find a cave. Welcome to the Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening Walkthrough. Collect the fairy that is left behind and then head right a screen. Defeat these enemies and the Third Go up and right a screen, defeating the darknuts if you’d like. Collect the small key that falls down, hit the crystal switch to change the orientation of the blocks in the dungeon, and then head back down a screen.Go back up the steps and since we changed the colored blocks, you can now access the treasure chest here. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time.
This chapter covers the original version of Link’s Awakening DX for the Game Boy Color. Inside the house, trade the dog food for a banana.Now head back towards the forest, which is to the upper left of Mabe Village. After you’ve hit one of the eyes, be sure to use roc’s feather to jump just before the eye pounds the ground. With this extra key you can now reach those…but those rooms were fairly useless anyway. Jump over another gap here and then open the treasure chest to get the Defeat the enemies and open up the treasure chest here to get the You are greeted here by some red bombites, so get rid of them with a sword slash. Go up along the left side of the room and then push the block into the hole. © Jump over the gap and open the treasure chest here to get Cut the bush on this screen and listen to what the owl statue has to say. Exit the cave.
(NOTE: If playing the original, this statue won’t exist) It gives you a hint to poke against walls to see if it makes a mysterious sound. If you are playing on the Nintendo Switch version, check out the The Awakening Walkthrough . Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offerGet PS5 ready with Official PlayStation Magazine's 180-page PlayStation 5 special issue Before entering the Castle, walk right a screen and up a screen where you’ll encounter mad bomber. Equip the Pegasus Boots and roc’s feather at the same time. You can slash at the eye and it will slowly start to separate into two smaller eyes. Receive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? To see this content please enable targeting cookies. If you drop or throw a bomb towards the dodongo but they don’t gobble it up, quickly run over to it and lift it up. Use the crane to pick up the Yoshi Doll, and head to the northernmost house in the village to trade it for a ribbon.
Walk inside to collect We are now ready to head back to meet up with Richard. However, there are various goodies in all three of the other locations and if we go there, we’ll get a key allowing us to use it on another door within this room. Start by backtracking through the cave we just came through. Follow along this path and use three more of your small keys until you’ve reached the staircase. You’ll find the key for Tail Cave in a chest up north, which we need in order to proceed. Back in that room if you had gone through the locked door on the right prior to going any of the other directions, you would never be able to reach the other rooms. We also have other guides to assist you in completing optional parts of the game in more detail - from getting the boomerang, finding secret seashells, or even obtaining all of the heart containers - we have you covered!
Push the bottom block to the left and then the adjacent block up to reach the treasure chest. Go through the door and you’ll find a shrouded stalfos, a gel, and a new enemy known as a Bombite. There are five green zols hidden within this room. Make sure not to fall through the cracked floor, and head up one room and right, killing the Zols that appear from the floor. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is a 1993 action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy.It is the fourth installment in the Legend of Zelda series and the first for a handheld game console. When not doing that, he's out and about playing Pokémon Go or continuing to amass his amiibo collection.Comments for this article are now closed.