People get frustrated and they stop caring or start playing selfishly. Imo your best bet to make secondaries work is to do a hybrid, I've got some killer secondary games recently on my Germans and French.
I go to co-op avg 2 to 3 kills a game (a match is about 7 min now). The current meta encourages selfish and timid behavior.
If he's so tired of blowouts, he should educate the many average players that like him so they stop being so useless instead of giving them stupid information like dcp single fires.
You could see this coming when these forums went from a great place to discuss the game and get information to the whine fest it continues to be today.
Or your t10 BB sits around 10k bow on from a cap for the first 10 minutes of the game not moving, seeing this a lot lately. The worst part is when your team gets blown away by mid game, i'm talking down 6 ships while the other team has not lost one ship. Auto depth charges NO good!!! Just watched it.
Owie Software for installing World of Warships mods. the whole fun of this game is the skill aspect !!! he was referring to directive missions that require us to destroy 70 and 90 ships. Still if one side has a clue and can do a decent push it usually is a blowout. Still if one side has a clue and can do a decent push it usually is a blowout.
Did not watch the video, but I agree blowout matches on either side are boring and frustrating. Would you blindly follow a player unknown to you giving orders? I recognize many do care, but they don't try enough sometimes. Unless both sides are passive then it is not blowout as he describes it. This will never change because almost no one uses in game voice chat to give direction, and even if they did, most people would refuse to listen. And many players do not seem to care if they win or lose, or understand how to win. I had quit the game previously prior to the re-work. Copyright © 2018 Realtime Youtube Statistics Checker. If he's so tired of blowouts, he should educate the many average players that like him so they stop being so useless instead of giving them stupid information like dcp single fires. (one side has the TXs the other two NYs, who you think have the adv ?Point made). High tier "meta" is super passive, "be patient" [edited] that is drawn out hoping to win at the end by sheer perseverance and waiting for others over extend. A lot of the objectives were better done in co-op, kills and base experience, or operations, non-base experience and captains experience. I'll get some damage I guess." Drives me nuts, because your team is effectively down a ship for that time. The torp reload booster is a LOL! A unicum?
Unless both sides are passive then it is not blowout as he describes it. permalink After all it's about a video game, nothing more, nothing less. 20 matches in co-op with an 8 min avg is 2hrs and a half (roughly)... I am sure we all know how valuable are game time is. Imagine deleting my comments but not where people quoted them. Base experience in co-op you ask and the reason is you can earn more per hour in co-op because the matches are so fast. Buff the Krem. Meh. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. I know one thing for sure, when Cyberpunk 2077 hits in April I'll probably disappear for a while. he was referring to directive missions that require us to destroy 70 and 90 ships. Notice how he places highest among his team in the post-battle results leaderboard -- well done. As you often do not know which game this will be (don't use that mod that displays WR % as it can be deceptive), you play the best you can every match because that is how you make the difference. His content has been really helpful, and I like it so much I decided to give him a … IMO, its a bad idea putting decision restrictions away from the player just because its his choice to do so in Randoms. Ive had nice apps in my MonaghanSearch World of Warships - Monaghan Impression Notser song statistics with sub count live checker.
Notser and the other 'contributors' have no idea what the low/mid level grinder is up to. Technical characteristics of all models are accurately reproduced, according to performance characteristics of the warships and warplanes of the 20th century. This is just so terrible I don't know where to start...... Just watched it. What then happens is either the big group, feeling comfortable in their numbers, pushes to aggressively and ends up losing an early ship. Had a losing match in this "Meta" where I did a whole 400+ experience and that for some reason was the top for my team? IFHE is fine for secondary BB, the talents are just overly cautious with what they will say is useful. Drives me nuts, because your team is effectively down a ship for that time. All it needs is 1-2 people f--king it up, and then the Snowball Effect is underway.
I disagree that it is new, although might be even worse due to PR, it is always that way. 2. Either win big or lose big. IMO, its a bad idea putting decision restrictions away from the player just because its his choice to do so in Randoms. Almost all games are blow outs -- years ago I profiled 100 or so games by the size of victory, and only a handful came down to the final minute. I personally moved back to Manual Secondary on everything except Massachusetts commander. I've seen matches where it got taken out in the first 6 minutes because a spud was driving it.