Com. HyperX sells direct in the listed countries. Cloud Alpha S features custom-tuned HyperX virtual 7. This site uses cookies to provide enhanced features and functionality. ) The detachable noise-cancellation microphone is certified by Discord and TeamSpeak™, ensuring you’ll have great team communication. Sunetele se aud foarte clar, chiar si la volum maxim (nu distorsioneaza deloc). Merg excelent, dar arata ca naiba:)+ am testat microfonul si cu setarile din pc (noise canceling oferit de Realtek) se aude absolut perfect (fara bazuitul de fundal + fara sa se auda muzica la volum mediu )Salut, discutam umpic pe discord ca am nevoie de ajutor cu setarile la casti, aud destul de imfundat pe cs si este foarte ciudat sunetu te doare la urechi cand tragi cu ak-ul Când vezi partea roșie este închisLe poti folosi pentru telefon (Eu sunt jucator de brawl stars si am nevoie de ele doar pt Youtube, adica sa fie pe post de microfon profesional )Depinde ce telefon ai, daca ai telefonul cu jack 3,5 mm da daca nu ai atunci iti trebe un adaptorNu știu de ce dar nu îmi funcționează microfonul, mă poate ajuta cineva?împinge mai bine mufa care intră în căști. Even if you’re using the headset for the first time, this problem can occur. Castile astea merita nota 6/5 la pretul acesta de 300 de lei. Dynasties like the Cloud’s don’t just happen.The fundamentals of what makes the Cloud a great gaming headset have remained steadfast since the very first Cloud released in early 2014: an attractive aviation-style design, lots of memory foam padding, punchy but well-balanced audio, and a surprisingly low price. 20% 6. And when you listen to the same audio source first through the DT770s and then the Cloud Alpha, the first thing you hear is a lot more low end. By using the site, you are consenting to this. J40/372/2002(- Calitatea sunetului este fenomenala, bass cat trebuie, nu e exagerat. ©2020 Kingston Technology Europe Co LLP und Kingston Digital Europe Co LLP, Kingston Court, Brooklands Close, Eu am castile de 3 ani, dar vinilinul s-a cojit de tot. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google We promise to handle your information in line with our  This is a welcome feature though, meaning that going sans-mic enables fairly discrete non-gaming use out in public. Le-am luat mai mult pentru laptop, la PC am Audio-Technica AD700X și AKG K612 Pro conectate a un FiiO E10K.Am cumparat aceste casti deoarece fostele mele casti razer tournament edition s au stricat si pot sa spun sa sunt foarte multumite de acestea de la HyperX cloud!! Now armed with a handful of minor but meaningful improvements, this is still the powerhouse of sound, comfort, and value it’s always been.It’s rare for one line of a particular PC peripheral to enjoy such a reign as the Kingston HyperX Cloud. The durable aluminum frame can take the rigors of daily play, and per player request, Cloud Alpha also features a tough, detachable braided cable. HyperX™ Cloud Alpha’s groundbreaking Dual Chamber Drivers design will give your audio more distinction and clarity by reducing the distortion. Once again then, the latest version of the HyperX Cloud finds itself at the very top of the pile. Așa am crezut și eu, că nu merge. ©2020 Kingston Technology Corporation, 17600 Newhope Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 USA. Lights out! They’re totally neutral (or as near as you can get for under $150) in frequency response, designed that way so you can hear what an audio signal really sounds like, without its makeup on. You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. The Cloud Alpha headset builds upon HyperX’s foundation of signature award-winning comfort with premium red memory foam, expanded headband and softer, more pliable leatherette. The dual chambers separate the bass from the mids and highs, allowing optimal tuning for cleaner, smoother sound. By using the site, you are consenting to this. HyperX sells direct in the listed countries. This site uses cookies to provide enhanced features and functionality. HyperX Cloud Alpha is an advanced gaming headset designed especially for the gaming enthusiasts. Keidy daca te referi la bureti normal ca are; Sunt foarte moi si fac castile foarte confortabileKeidy cred ca se referă la a 2-a pereche de bureți rezervă/ material cum erau la Cloud 2 de exemplu, eu am varianta roșie la acest model și nu au decat bureții faux-leather pe care îi vezi, nu au și alții.Salut. The HyperX Cloud Alpha mic not working issue is common and if you’re facing it too, you can solve it by trying some simple fixes. 480HX-HSCAS.A01 HyperX Cloud Alpha S™ Page 12 of 15 7.

Enjoy clear communication with your friends and coworkers in your Zoom calls, class lectures, and your Discord chats.Get the accessories you need to customize your Cloud!1. Just about any gaming headset on the market will offer pumped-up bass to sell the bombast of multiplayer conflicts. Se aud bine volumul este bune. Use the flexible microphone to communicate or remove it for music listening.A comfortable headset is just as essential for remote work and online classes as it is for gaming with friends. The HyperX Cloud Alpha™ S builds upon the groundbreaking Cloud Alpha and features HyperX virtual 7.1 surround sound{{Footnote.N41306}}. HyperX has shaved a little overall weight off with a new wrought aspect to the aluminium frame, and expanded the headband width, but in truth the comfort levels remain roughly where they were—excellent in the first place.