Das Unternehmen betreibt sein operatives Geschäft in den beiden Segmenten EVT Execute und EVT Innovate. Wolfgang Plischke (Chairman of the Supervisory Board) Feel free to try wiki editing out here first. Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 20 mrt 2020 om 19:21. Manfred Eigen Campus Essener Bogen 7 22419 Hamburg, Germany info@evotec.com Postal address Cologne site: Gebäude S20 Nattermannallee 1 50829 Köln, Germany Evotec SE is a publicly listed drug discovery and development company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.The company operates globally, largely through external alliances with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, academic institutions, patient advocacy groups, and venture capitalists. September 2010. Evotec differentiates itself based on a strong track record in drug discovery, scientists with many years experience in the industry and an innovative technology platform. Evotec AG is a drug discovery alliance and development partnership company focused on progressing product approaches with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Evotec SE Rechtsform Societas Europaea ISIN DE0005664809 Gründung 1993 Sitz Hamburg, Deutschland Deutschland Leitung Werner Lanthaler, Vorstandsvors Wikipedia® is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van de Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., een organisatie zonder winstoogmerk. Evotec International GmbH. It operates worldwide providing integrated drug discovery solutions, covering all activities from target-to-clinic. Zudem gründet Evotec unter seinem Segment EVT Innovate sogenannte BRIDGEs (Biomedical Research, Innovation & Development Generation Efficiency), Partnerschaften mit akademischen Institutionen, deren Ziel es ist, wissenschaftliche Forschungsprojekte in die pharmazeutische Wirkstoffentwicklung zu überführen. This page exists so that you can practice editing or formatting (see Help:Editing) without changing any serious content.
The following year, it merged with the British chemical services company In 2002, the company was divided into two business divisions; "Discovery and Development Services" and "Tools and Technologies," creating the wholly owned subsidiary In May 2014, Evotec acquired Euprotec for $3.15 million,In December 2016, Evotec completed its acquisition of Cyprotex, a preclinical contract research organization.In July 2017, Evotec acquired the integrated drug development services provider Aptuit for â¬256 million.In recent years, Evotec has made two significant deals with French pharmaceutical company In April 2019, Evotec AG announced it had completed its conversion into a company under European law (In May 2020, the company announced its acquisition of Just Biologics, a U.S.-based biologics company previously backed by the In June 2020, Evotec and two investment partners â Samsara BioCapital and KCK Ltd. â announced the launch of Autobahn Labs, a virtual incubator for early-stage research programs.Congratulations on this excellent venture⦠what a great idea!I use WIKI 2 every day and almost forgot how the original Wikipedia looks like.
Evotec differentiates itself based on a strong track record in drug discovery, scientists with many years experience in the industry and an innovative technology platform. is the main ip of this site. On October 28, 2009, the company was listed on the Evotec Biosystems went public in 1999, listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol EVT. The company's headquarters … Die Evotec Technologies GmbH wurde in diesem Jahr gegründet, aber 2006 an Perkin Elmer veräußert, um die verbleibende Firma auf das Kerngeschäft, die Erforschung und Entwicklung neuer pharmazeutischer Wirkstoffe, zu fokussieren. Die Evotec SE mit Sitz in Hamburg ist ein Wirkstoffforschungs- und -entwicklungsunternehmen, das in Forschungsallianzen und Entwicklungspartnerschaften mit Pharma- und Biotechnologieunternehmen Ansätze zur Entwicklung neuer pharmazeutischer Produkte generiert. What we do. Welcome to the EvoTech Wiki sandbox! The following year, it merged with the British chemical services company In 2002, the company was divided into two business divisions; "Discovery and Development Services" and "Tools and Technologies," creating the wholly owned subsidiary In December 2016, Evotec completed its acquisition of Cyprotex, a preclinical contract research organization.In July 2017, Evotec acquired the integrated drug development services provider Aptuit for €256 million.In recent years, Evotec has made two significant deals with French pharmaceutical company In April 2019, Evotec AG announced it had completed its conversion into a company under European law (In May 2020, the company announced its acquisition of Just Biologics, a U.S.-based biologics company previously backed by the In June 2020, Evotec and two investment partners – Samsara BioCapital and KCK Ltd. – announced the launch of Autobahn Labs, a virtual incubator for early-stage research programs.
We have created a browser extension. Our iPSC-based TargetRD DDup is here - https://t.co/arN1wi0ByL | This edition of DDup is dedicated to their unique… https://t.co/wnh3Mjwzqo Evotec BioSystems GmbH was founded in Hamburg, Germany. Das Unternehmen ist weltweit tätig und bietet integrierte Lösungen im Bereich der Wirkstoffforschung an. Aptuit in den USA für 256 Mio. There is a tutorial on the Central (coordinating) Wikia that will step you through more of the things you can do. If you feel that a template belongs on this page, do not hesitate to add it.