She once corrupted Rundas, Ghor, and Gandrayda, so that she would not risk getting damaged.

This became a fight to the death which Samus won. Dark Samus. 48 9 93 (1 Today) By DelightfulDiamond7 | Watch. Dark Samus Unmasked. Thanks. Dark Samus returned and she was now skeletal, bereft of armor, and her organs resembled the Metroid Prime's, thus confirming who she truly was.
MaikeruThePlayer. Permits . Join the world's largest art community and get personalized art recommendations. Dark Samus exploded into blue particles upon "death". She is a minor antagonist in the first game, the central antagonist of the second game Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and the main antagonist of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Issues. Dark Samus appears then and hits Samus and her bounty hunter allies and implants Phazon within their bodies. Despite her disintegration, Dark Samus' particles re-formed in space around Aether. Samus challenged her to an epic elevator battle, in which Dark Samus became invisible after a while due to all the Phazon power. Samus eventually found a planet named Aether, which had suffered a war with a Samus later met Dark Samus again when she was in the Agon Wastes. In She plants a seed first into the Pirate Homeworld. I don't care if I do it, or is someone else does; if you guys want me to do it, then please tell me how Kakudomaru (talk) 16:15, October 27, 2012 (UTC) I've made some tweaks to the article, since it was frankly a mess.

Waluigi Samus (Samus truly unmasked) A Skin Mod for Super Smash Bros. (Wii U) Super Smash Bros. (Wii U) / Skins / Samus. MMDModdler. Dark Samus was feeding off of Phazon crystals, and Samus entered, unaware of who Dark Samus was. Dark Samus (FanMade) - Metroid Prime FanArt.

Later, rather than admit defeat, Dark Samus committed suicide by jumping off the elevator tower and falling into the city below. Sell custom creations to people who love your style.Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all.Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools.Dark Samus without her helmet and I gotta say she looks pretty okay without it also drawing Dark Samus was fun and great anyway guys and gals.Oh, I was confused for a second but yeah Dark Samus and Samus can pretty much spam their special attacks which is annoying.We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for our marketing purposes. The particles reached the Torvus Bog, where she solidified and laughed at Samus before flying off. Terminal Corruption is the ultimate result of uncontrolled Phazon Fever, wherein the victim falls under the control of Dark Samus. License. Dark Samus was unseen through the rest of Samus' adventure, but right at the end, she made a surprise return. 9 Comments. Soon after, a Seed is implanted into the planet, Elysia. Dark Samus is the main antagonist of the Metroid Prime trilogy.

31 Favourites. Embed. Updates. 50 Favourites. SMASHBRO164. Dark Samus Morph Ball. Posted in the smashbros community. Four Bounty Hunters, Samus Aran, Rundas, Ghor and Gandrayda raced to the Control Tower to power up the planetary Defense Cannon. To destroy each of the Leviathan Seeds, Samus enters them and must destroy a monster who is powered by the Phazon energy inside (probably inside a lung-like cavity). Report . Likes.

3 Comments. Either the Picture is too big, or it's in the wrong spot, but I have no idea how to edit page layout. Her name comes from how she is a dark copy of the hero Samus Aran and the reborn form of the Phazon-mutated Metroid Prime. 1. Admin. Every time she destroys a monster, the Phazon released begins to corrupt her even further. 128 upvotes, 16 comments. After Samus defeated the Metroid Prime, it clung onto Samus's Power suit and tore the After fully regenerating, Dark Samus left planet Tallon IV and the universe in search of Phazon, driven by her instincts from Metroid Prime.

Then, Dark Samus, along with the help of the space pirates, leads an attack on the Galactic Federation and manages to implant one of the gigantic Seeds on the planet Bryyo. Dark Samus then returned in the Sanctuary Fortress, where she was seen sadistically laughing after gunning down some Space Pirates trying to protect their Phazon. 10 Favourites. The text on this page is spilling all over itself. Todos. 13 Comments. However, it was just a maximum overload and she repaired herself. Enraged, Dark Samus blocked off Samus' escape from Dark Aether by gliding and firing Phazon missiles at her, Samus noted that if she repelled them back at Dark Samus it would cause another overload. During the events of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Sector Zero on Norion fell under threat of Leviathan impact. The Seeds begin to corrupt the planets and the forms of life (In Elysia's case).

The only creatures she is shown to respect are the Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 13 Favourites. Samus manages to stop one seed from crashing into Norion, a planet important to the Galactic Federation.