Das Küchenteam des Romantik Hotels Goldener Stern bereitet sie mit viel Liebe zu einem Gaumenschmaus zu. Uživajte u alkoholnoj pići uz tražena riblja jela ili uz jela s morskim plodovima. You can indulge in our heavenly desserts and our yummy ice cream any time or as a dessert to finish off your meal. Javascript is required for using the whole functionality of this website.We use cookies to make our services as attractive as possible and offer specific features.

(please confirm with us which options are available)(please confirm with us which options are available) Winterurlaub und Sommerurlaub in perfekter Idylle. Kada je odlično vrijeme, posjetite našu prelijepu terasu. Some of our cookies are deleted when your browser session is ended, e.g. security-related or support functions. Ljudi koji imaju ograničenja u prehrani kod nas se ne moraju odreći užitka zahvaljujući našim veganskim, vegetarijanskim obrocima. You can also order our dishes for takeaway. Ulogirajte se na našu gratis WiFi-mrežu i ostanite u kontaktu s vašim prijateljima.Kušajte naša raznovrsna, veganska i vegetarijanska jela i otkrijte neočekivanu raznolikost obroka. Wir heißen Sie herzlich willkommen in unserem Restaurant Restaurant Goldene Zeiten.

Wahre Gaumenschmeichler in einem tollen Ambiente bieten wir Ihnen im Restaurant Goldene Zeiten. Možete odlučiti koje ćete kolačiće prihvatiti.Ovi su kolačići nužni za rad ključnih funkcionalnosti našeg mrežnog mjesta, npr.

We're open 7 days a week.Food orders can not be done outside of opening hours. Klikom na „Slažem se” dajete svoju privolu za uporabu tih kolačića. Nudimo i usluge cateringa – ako ste zainteresirani, jednostavno nam se obratite.

Uporabom ovih podataka možemo razumjeti obrazac klikanja te prikladno optimizirati naše usluge i sadržaj.Također dopuštamo trećim poduzećima postavljanje kolačića na naše stranice. You'll also feel relaxed in our air-conditioned rooms, no matter the outside temperature.Our Asian cuisine will give your tastebuds a meal to remember.

We offer free WiFi so you can spend time online doing your favourite things or share your meal with the world.Choose one of our vegan and vegetarian meals, they're well prepared and exceptionally delicious. The grilled dishes (meat, fish, vegetables) and the Brazilian churrasco complete our proposed options.

These are small text files that are stored on your computer or device. For further information on bookings please contact us.

You can choose the types of cookies you want to accept.These cookies are necessary for core features on our website to work, e.g.

Ostali kolačići ostaju na vašem uređaju da bismo mogli prepoznati vaš preglednik pri vašem sljedećem posjetu našeg mrežnog mjesta („trajni kolačići”).Da bismo bolje razumjeli klijente, pohranjujemo podatke u analitičke svrhe. +43 6243 2240 0 hotel@goldenerstern.at You find more related information in

Kontaktirajte nas jednostavno e-maila na office@goldenezeiten.at ili telefonom na broj +4315134747. For example, we can use this data to understand click patterns and optimize our services and content accordingly.We also allow third-party companies to place cookies on our pages. We use different types of cookies. Informacije koje se prikupljaju navedenim kolačićima upotrebljavaju se, na primjer, za prilagođeno oglašavanje na društvenim mrežama ili druge marketinške svrhe.

Aux Ville Du Monde is the name that brings together the most iconic luxury department stores in the world, all in one place. We'd be happy to help you with your plans and look forward to offering our restaurant as a venue for your special day.

Kod nas vas očekuju vrhunske delikatese, odlična gurmanska hrana i odlični lokalni proizvodi.


Naš klima uređaj pobrinut će se za to da se pri svim vremenskim uvjetima kod nas osjećate ugodno.Razmazit ćemo vas azijskim i tradicionalnim jelima koje naša kuhinja svježe priprema za vas. Title: Microsoft Word - Tageskarte Neu 24.08.2020.docx Author: Zur Goldenen Kugel Created Date: 8/24/2020 10:42:26 AM The information which is collected there will be utilized, for example, for personalized advertising on social media or for other marketing purposes.

At our restaurant you can pay cash or with MasterCard, VISA, contactless payment or debit card. Riječ je o malim tekstualnim datotekama koje se pohranjuju na vašem računalu ili uređaju. Upotrebljavamo različite vrste kolačića: kolačiće potrebne za ispravan rad mrežnog mjesta, kolačiće namijenjene za analizu statističkih podataka, kolačiće za marketing, kolačiće za društvene mreže.

We'd like to make it as easy as possible for you to have a stress-free dining experience – your health, and tastebuds, are our number one priority.Our restaurant is wheelchair accessible. Wähle aus Bento Boxen, Rindfleischgerichte, Entenfleischgerichte, Sushi oder Desserts Come by our restaurant, Goldene Zeiten, and enjoy tasty creations from our amazing chefs!

You can reserve a table with us and have peace of mind that your dinner will go as planned.

Exklusive Erholung im familienfreundlichen Hotel Restaurant Goldener Stern in Abtenau - Land Salzburg. Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Platz 5, Chinesische Küchen , 1010 Wien,

For more variety we also have Chinese cuisine for you to enjoy.

Others remain stored on your device so that we can recognize your browser the next time you visit our website (“persistent cookies”).To understand our customers better, we store data for analytical purposes. In search of a restaurant with traditional homemade Asian food, but don't know where to go? A da opet skoknete na vrhunsko azijsku ili kinesku hranu? Iz tog razloga imamo prilaz bez prepreka. Provjerite Pošaljite zahtjev za rezervacijom s pomoću priloženog obrasca i javit ćemo vam se što prije. Više povezanih informacija možete pronaći u