ToC C a Dungeon with 7 Bosses and 7 Hidden bosses. As a player who has ENDURED this god awful publisher since CBT, there is a clear lack of care coupled with complete blackness in terms of transparency. level 41?I ended up begrudgingly opting for Vanguard because I wanted to tank dungeons for the wife and I. I felt like, since she went Occultist, having 2 mages would make for impossible dungeons.Then came the tutorial zone.. and the realization that the combat wasn’t action, but instead, a strange hybrid of action and tab-target.The tutorial zone was the same as always: Some kid tries to kill you, some pervy kid is into some shapeshifting chick, we all sit around a campfire singing kumbaya.. you know.It was at this point that I began to pay less attention to the story. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? However, the publisher behind the Western release is absolute dog shit. The environments are absolutely stunning – I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that says Revelation actually looks ugly. As per their track record with this game and their others, any game associated with My Games will undoubtedly suffer a similar fate… thinking of you, Ashes of Creation.PS. which is sadly ran by incompetent staff and Mods who just Mute or Ban people who talk about the game or give Constructive Criticism. Every game breaking issue that exists within the game (there are more issues than you can count) is under “investigation”, some of which have been under “investigation” for over a year. Man it’s been a while since I last dove into Revelation Online. That was a significant boost considering we were level 22? Many of these issues have been completely ignored and swept under the rug. Could have being the keyword here.This game is absolutely not worth playing. The only reason I am staying is due to my friends still playing the game.© 2020  ||

Mainly because it was gated, along with progression advancement itself, behind level requirements.But, we continued on – even in the face of adversity. I sadly cant recommend it to anyone. It is not worth your time and should be completely avoided. Imagine how hard the 10 man dungeons are… Every week I have to find replacements now for 2 different 10 man Dungeons which are Needed to do Weekly. People are quitting every week. TALES RUNNER LoOkS tErRiBle? These accounts were of course carrying high tier gear socketed with incredibly high Marks (gems in gear) and Soul Grid (LoL rune system, but permanent). I will read and reply for the next week.As someone who has played this game since CBT. They have even been caught red handed issuing several level 79 (which is the highest level) characters to themselves and their friends for zero reason, meanwhile lying straight to the community claiming that these accounts were deleted amongst a server transfer. Take to the skies and discover the magic of fabled realms, wicked cities, and skyward worlds in this amazing free-to-play adventure! These accounts were not deleted in any server transfer. We’ve got it! This game had the biggest potential and probably by far the best pvp combat ive seen in any game, The only draw back is the biggest pain the Publisher. Sadly it seems they know where they want to put there Support in. The wallets of there players. 2 and a half years? More recently the entire Community found out about a Humongous scandal of Staff spawning in Perfect gear and Lvl 79 Accounts with Max Marks for players. We’ve got it! Luckily I had a group.. until sadly 2 of them quit the game due to having No fun.

© MMOByte (Stix and Mrs Stix) 2016-2020.
Revelation Online is a breathtaking Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game set in the lively, fantasy open world of Nuanor. The combat was highly disappointing for me, having only a couple actual skills by level 40. It was just Mods or friends of staff who were given Special Treatment.Support tickets… Support tickets are ignored and put off.. unless!