Shell shock is a term coined in World War I by British psychologist Charles Samuel Myers to describe the type of post traumatic stress disorder many soldiers were afflicted with during the war (before PTSD was termed). A Poorly Understood Condition. In fact, nostalgia became a …

Some doctors held the view that it was a result of hidden physical damage to the brain, with the shock waves from bursting shells creating a cerebral At the same time an alternative view developed describing shell shock as an emotional, rather than a physical, injury.

Shell-shock was a disease of manhood rather than an illness that came from witnessing, being subjected to and partaking in incredible violence. Although the Battle of Passchendaele generally became a byword for horror, the number of cases of shell shock were relatively few. This evidence has led the researchers to conclude that shell shock may not only be a psychological disorder, since the symptoms exhibited by sufferers from the First World War are very similar to these injuries.There is also evidence to suggest that the type of warfare faced by soldiers would affect the probability of shell shock symptoms developing. Since the symptoms appeared in men who had no proximity to an exploding shell, the physical explanation was clearly unsatisfactory.In spite of this evidence, the British Army continued to try to differentiate those whose symptoms followed explosive exposure from others. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. In France it was possible to visit aged shell shock victims in hospital in 1960.Recent research by Johns Hopkins University has found that the brain tissue of combat veterans who have been exposed to improvised explosive devices (IEDs) exhibit a pattern of injury in the areas responsible for decision making, memory and reasoning. A-level. Ten years after the war, 65,000 veterans of the war were still receiving treatment for it in Britain. ShellShock: Nam '67 received "mixed or average" reviews, according to review aggregator Metacritic.. IGN found the game to have 'many faults' and criticized the presentation of war as tasteless. What is Shell Shock?

First hand reports from medical doctors at the time note that rates of such afflictions decreased once the war was mobilized again during the 1918 German offensive, following the 1916-1917 period where the highest rates of shell shock can be found. Dr Tracey Loughran reflects on the encounters between Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen and W H R Rivers at Craiglockhart War Hospital, and how other doctors attempted to treat ‘shell-shock’. Something had altered in them. Evidence for this point of view was provided by the fact that an increasing proportion of men suffering shell shock symptoms had not been exposed to artillery fire. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. The term “shell shock” was coined in 1917 by a Medical Officer called Charles Myers. The term was first published in 1915 in an article in The number of shell shock cases grew during 1915 and 1916 but it remained poorly understood medically and psychologically. 5,346 shell shock cases reached the Casualty Clearing Station, or roughly 1% of the British forces engaged. They were subject to sudden moods, and queer tempers, fits of profound There should be no excuse given for the establishment of a belief that a functional nervous disability constitutes a right to compensation. Emotional disorders were responsible for 1/3 of all discharges from war. Read the essential details about shellshock. This is hard saying. The diagnosis was so obligingly broad that it could be applied to any number of mental ailments, and before long shell shock aroused suspicion in medical as well as—not surprisingly—military circles. During the War, the concept of shell shock was ill-defined. PTSD in the Civil War . Seemingly overnight, the field of war psychiatry emerged and a new term—shell shock—appeared to describe a range of mental injuries, from facial tics to an inability to speak. There were many different symptoms of shell shock, as each and… Shellshock was the blanket term applied by contemporaries to those soldiers who broke down under the strain of war.