In addition, everyone should follow the protective measures recommended by the Robert Koch Institute: wash hands frequently and thoroughly, observe sneezing and coughing, avoid shaking hands.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are looking forward to welcoming you to this year’s ITB Berlin from 4 to 8 March 2020.As you are aware, cases of the coronavirus have also been identified in Europe, includinghere in Germany.
Among its requirements the authority stipulated that each participant would need to prove to Messe Berlin that they were not from a designated risk area or had not been in contact with a person or persons from a risk area. We are pleased to inform you that all Public Visitor tickets for ITB Berlin ordered and paid via the ITB Berlin ticket shop will be refunded. Januar 2021 präsentieren wir die Touristik messe. 4 March 2020. Please understand that due to the dynamic situation, we are currently unable to make any statements about concrete visitor numbers.Kindly note that there might occur waiting time during the peak hours of 9:30-10:00 am in the entrance areas, as there are many visitors arriving at the same time and because of security measures.As has been instructed by the local public health authorities all exhibitors at ITB Berlin are required to fill out a The list of risk areas is being regularly updated by the Anyone belonging to the risk group or who refuses to fill out the declaration will not be admitted to ITB Berlin. Daily News #3 Tourism prospects for 2019 looking great 04 May 2019.
We are pleased to inform you that all main exhibitors of ITB Berlin 2020 will be refunded the advance payment on the Regardless of the present circumstances, we look forward to welcoming you next year at ITB Berlin from 10 to 14 March 2021.We are pleased to inform you that all Trade Visitor Passes for ITB Berlin ordered and paid via the ITB Berlin ticket shop will be refunded.
ITB Berlin ist die führende Fachmesse der internationalen Tourismus-Wirtschaft. Thailand Baby & Kids Best Buy 37th Moms & Kids shopping fair with more than 1 million items such as baby stroller, car seat, breast pump, clothes, and organic products at IMPACT Muang Thong Thani. Bei Zuwiderhandlungen wird pro Datensatz eine Gebühr von 120,00 EUR erhoben und Strafanzeige gestellt. Dr. Christian Göke, CEO of Messe Berlin GmbH, said: ”With more than 10,000 exhibitors from over 180 countries ITB Berlin is extremely important for the world’s tourism industry. We will contact you as soon as possible. “For this reason, the risk to the health in Germany currently remains low.” (Source: There is no reason to restrict trade shows in Germany at the moment according to AUMA (There are no entry bans to Germany for citizens from China, Asia or Italy at the moment. The Extraordinary Council of EU Health Ministers states that air travelers might be asked before landing in Europe if they have been in risk regions or in contact with persons who have been tested positive for an infection with the COVID-19/coronavirus.To protect our exhibitors and visitors we are maintaining the additional cleaning and disinfection measures on the fairgrounds of Messe Berlin GmbH. We are pleased to inform you that all Public Visitor tickets for ITB Berlin ordered and paid via the ITB Berlin ticket shop will be refunded. Zudem behalten wir uns weitere rechtliche Schritte, die Adresse rund um die Messe mit Messen & Messebewertungen. Regarding inquiries about ITB China please refer to regular updates on We use cookies to deliver the best possible web experience.
This evening at 1827 hrs, the responsible health authority of the district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf in Berlin imposed significantly tighter restrictions on holding the event. Mit der Benutzung dieser Website erkennen Sie die Immer gut informiert - mit dem Newsletter von© - Letzte Aktualisierung: 26.08.2020, 18:31Die Outdoormesse im Rahmen der Bau- und EnergiemesseDie größte Verbraucherausstellung im Rhein-Main GebietFachmesse für Themen Gesundheit, Freizeit und WellnessGesundheitsmesse mit Ausdauersport, Gesundheit, Ernährung, Medizin & TourismusFachausstellung für Reisemobile, Caravans und Zubehördie größte Verbraucher- und Landwirtschaftsmesse im Südwesten Tourismusmessen ab November 2020 haben folgende Messetermine zum Thema Tourismus ergeben: Sett Montpellier, DEMA Show New Orleans, Lebenslust Wien, ReiseLust Bremen, Reisebörse Potsdam, SITV Colmar, TTR Bukarest, Philoxenia Thessaloniki, Reisemarkt Hamburg, TC Touristik & Caravaning Leipzig, Intur Valladolid, International Tourism Forum in Sochi SIFT Sotschi/Sochi We take our responsibility for the health and safety of our visitors, exhibitors and employees very seriously.