2004-04-29 2014-05-15 Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei is a 45 minute action-crime-drama starring Erdoğan Atalay as Semir Gerkhan, Tom Beck as Ben Jäger and Gedeon Burkhard as Chris Ritter. 2002-09-12 Le retour de la taupe 2005-02-24 2014-04-17 2008-10-23 1999-04-29 2001-04-05 2017-11-16 2003-10-09

2019-06-06 1998-05-28 Top comments 1998-03-31 2013-12-12 2004-04-08 2001-05-10 Geld regiert die Welt 1996-04-02 2001-12-20 2013-04-18 2010-09-02 1998-11-12 2016-10-06 2011-03-10

2004-10-28 2006-05-28 2012-09-13 "Alarm fur Cobra 11" (Emergency for Cobra-11) is a popular German TV cop series that is running on the TV station RTL since 1996 with great success. Obsah fóra Alarm für Cobra 11 » 17.série: Zobrazit předchozí téma:: Zobrazit následující téma : Ohodnoťte tuto sérii (známkou jako ve škole): 1: 50% [ 2 ] 2: 50% [ 2 ] 3: 0% [ 0 ] 4: 0% [ 0 ] 5: 0% [ 0 ] Celkem hlasů : 4: Hodnocení 17.série: Mr.Gogo. 2009-04-09 1999-03-25 Death trip on line 834 The identity of the two men is not known and the car was rented with false papers. Bombs at kilometre 92 2019-10-31 2017-05-11 2011-04-07 1996-03-26 2004-09-30 When the two men flee, the police start a chase - in vain. 2000-02-24 2 by Daniel Freundlieb from 7digital United Kingdom - We have over 30 million high quality tracks in our store. 2017-05-18 2013-04-11

2008-09-11 2003-04-03