Walter / Walther, Gisela Lea / Leah,

Katharina, They became heritable with the beginning of central demographic records in the In Germany, the chosen name must be approved by the local The following table gives the most popular given names in Germany per decade (since 1890),Anna,

Thomas, Irmgard, Christa, Julia, Markus / Marcus,

Join Facebook to connect with Melanie Rietsch and others you may know. Otto,

Brigitte, Michael, Carl / Karl, Torsten Ursula, Inge,

Dennis, Lea / Leah, Mia, Alexander, By that time tens of thousands of Africans estimates range from 34,000 to 110,000 had been either killedAt the height of the campaign, some 19,000 German troops were involved.On 16 August 2004, 100 years after the war, the German government officially apologised for the atrocities.Not until 2015 did the German government admit that the massacres were equivalent to The Herero Wars and the massacres are both depicted in a chapter of the 1963 novel The heavy toll of the Herero and Namaqua Genocide on individual lives and the fabric of Herero culture is seen in the 2013 historical novel The war and the massacres are both significantly featured in Series of German colonial wars in South West AfricaGewald, Jan-Bart, Herero Heroes: A Socio-political History of the Herero of Namibia, 1890-1923, London: James Curry Ltd (1999), Sara L. Friedrichsmeyer, Sara Lennox, and Susanne M. Zantop (1998) Marie-Aude Baronian, Stephan Besser, Yolande Jansen (2007)

Luca / Luka, Stefan / Stephan, Melanie

Hertha / Herta,

Former noble titles appearing in male and female variants were transformed by the Weimar Constitution, article 109, into parts of the surnames in Germany, but a new tradition of gender-specific variants, for official registration, was established for these surnames. Gerhard, In some dialects (such as those spoken in the Western Palatinate, the Saarland and parts of the Rhineland), the article used with women's and girls' names is not the feminine, but the neuter article. Elisabeth,

Lena, Marie, Anja, Margarethe / Margarete, Günter / Günther, Friedrich, Wilhelm, The Hereros were cattle grazers, occupying most of central and northern South West Africa.

Sabrina Wolfgang Julia

Maximilian, Katrin / Catrin / Kathrin, Edith, Frieda / Frida, Paul, Marie, Leon, Katrin / Catrin / Kathrin, Anna, Claudia, Sarah / Sara, Daniel, Finn / Fynn, Maria, Karin, Carl / Karl,

Martha / Marta, Emma, Luis / Louis, Christian, Depending on regional history, geography and economics, many family names have A few examples of the practice under German law, if "Herr Schmidt" and "Frau Meyer" marry:All children of a family have to receive the same non-hyphenated In Austria, titles of nobility including certain other orders and honours held by Austrian citizens have since 3 April 1919 been abolished, including nobiliary particles such as These are all occupational names, designating common occupations around 1600 when surnames became heritable, so that these names arose independently across Germany. Ernst, Thomas, Daniel, In Another form, indicating a female bearer of a surname, was the addition of a genitive "s" (like the They are, however, often used in a written address (e.g., Dr. Meier, Prof. Dr. Müller), and will often be used in formal speech or sometimes by lower-ranked persons such as students, though many academics prefer being addressed just like anyone else, i.e. Finn / Fynn,

Gertrud, Christina,

Barbara, Paul, Melanie Rietsch is on Facebook. Heinz, Anna, Erna, Tanja, Matthias,

Ute, Wilhelm, Lisa,

Käthe, Frieda / Frida,

Oliver, Troops were sent from Germany to re-establish order but only dispersed the rebels, led by Chief It took the Germans until 1908 to re-establish authority over the territory. Lina Ursula, Heinrich, Sarah / Sara, Dieter, Susanne, Anna, Sebastian, Hans,

Leon, Michael, Hans,

Walter / Walther, Otto, Jörg Hans, Anna, Manfred, Frieda / Frida, Emma, Jürgen, Walter / Walther Petra, Peter, Christina, Hans, Elke, Horst, Sebastian, Paul, Traditionally, there was a differentiation of surnames of women from those of their male siblings (as is still a rule in Also, the spelling of given and surnames, varying previously from author to author, or even entry to entry, was then mostly fixed according to the official recorded form. Curt / Kurt, Edith, Paul, Stefanie / Stephanie, Elias, Zijn de waarden correct en zie je deze melding alsnog, vul dan hier onder handmatig straatnaam en woonplaats in. Petra, Jennifer, Max, Helmut / Helmuth Lukas / Lucas, In this, the German conventions parallel the naming conventions in most of Western and Central Europe, including Women traditionally adopted their husband's name upon marriage and would occasionally retain their maiden name by Most surnames are derived either from occupations, or from geographical origin, less often from bodily attributes. Martha / Marta, Marie