La communauté Travian Kingdoms. Announcements. Wątki 399 Posty 987. Als Anführer eines ansässigen Stammes liegt es in deinen Händen, eine bessere Zukunft für dein Volk zu schaffen.
This site uses cookies. Gather resources, collect tributes and trade with other players.Upgrade your villages to cities, improve your army and hold celebrations to keep your citizens happy.Forge kingdoms, attack robbers and steal treasures.As the leader of a local tribe, your mission is to create a better future for your people.Choose to be either king or governor and coordinate your strategy with other players to control resources, armies and territory. You can easily access these resources from …
Thread statistics; Victory Points. Our Plus Support is also available for questions regarding payment or payment methods. 21 Lut 2017 #1; I am trying to understand the details related to earning Victory Points but so far, I have not found anything on Wiki. May your journey lead you to power and glory!Found your second village and expand your influence in the early stages of your empire.Empower your villages. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. 987. Questions. Schlüpfe in die Rolle des Königs oder Statthalters, plane deine Strategie mit anderen Spielern und übernimm die Kontrolle über Rohstoffe, Armeen und Territorien. مسابقات شيقة وممتعه والغاز تؤهلكم لربح جوائز قيمة وذهب مجانيهنا يمكنكم ان تضعوا مواضيعكم وانجازاتكم وتقارير هجماتكم ودفاعاتكم وحفظها في الخانة المخصصة لسفارة سيرفركمPour toutes les discussions possibles et imaginables... autres que Travian Kingdoms.. mais dans le respect des règles et des autres joueurs ;)Partecipa ai nostri minigiochi, fantastici premi ti aspettano. Travian: Kingdoms must be played using the official Travian: Kingdoms app or an unmodified, convential browser. Travian Kingdoms spielt in einer antiken Welt.
By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.Your browser has JavaScript disabled. In case the knowledge base doesn't have the answer to your question or you wish to report a technical issue, please contact the support team by sending us a ticket. Announcements & Information. General. Equites Imperatoris. These include the Help Center, Forum, Quick Help, and the Wiki.
Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer 10 and above are all supported, excluding any alpha and beta versions. Travian Kingdoms Forum. Travian Kingdoms EN Forum. RSS-Feed; Forum als gelesen markieren; Forum Général.
VVV_COM; 16 Sty 2016; VVV. Travian Kingdoms takes place in an ancient world. Only the most powerful kingdoms can achieve this and thereby dominate the world of Travian! Ideas / …
Yangus; 21 Lut 2017; Yangus. Georgi 21 godzin temu. Travian Kingdoms Forum. The choice is yours: Convert them into mighty cities or grow your strength in numbers with many villages.War is coming â train your troops and be prepared to defend your empire!Valuable treasures will decide over the rise and fall of your kingdom â collect as many as possible and protect them!The mysterious Natar tribe will appear and with them, the seven Wonders of the World â conquer and upgrade them to win!Your task will be to complete the Wonder of the World! I got hit a couple of days ago on US4, as a duke, by three players.
Summer Promotion 20% more Gold.
Changelogs & Bugfixes. Only few will survive long enough to rule the world. Travian Kingdoms EN Forum. Ihr könnt eigene Threads eröffnen und somit Themen anstoßen, oder an einer bestehenden Diskussion teilnehmen, indem ihr auf bestehende Themen antwortet.