Çayıriçi Köyü On 22 September 2015, the Monastery was closed to visitors for three years due to necessary restoration and field work. The stairs lead down from there to the inner courtyard. 19. yüzyılda en parlak dönemini yaşamış, Rus işgalinin ardından boşaltılarak mahsur kalmıştır.Bu güzel yapıdaki eserlerin bir kısmı 1930'lu yıllarda Yunanistan'a götürülmüştür. The beautiful frescoes dating from the 18 th century on the walls of the monastery are biblical scenes of Christ and Virgin Mary.On 15 August 2010, with the permission of Turkish Government, an Orthodox Mass was held for the first time at Sumela monastery since 1923. The cave, which was converted into a church, constitutes the center of the monastery. The entrance to the Monastery leads up a long and narrow stairway. 22 Eylül 2015 tarihinde restorasyon nedeniyle ziyarete kapatılan ve 25 Mayıs 2019'da birinci avluya kadar olan bölümü ziyarete açılan manastırda restorasyon çalışmaları sürüyor. #turkiye #trabzon #go #of #tea #hasat #keşfet #nefesal #sky #goodnews #goodday #MemleketinBöylesi #ig_turkey #travelgram #turkshutter #wonderful_places #natural #anadolugram #GoTurkey #ig_photoclub #travelblogger #Karadenizinrenkleri #fotografheryerde #bugununkaresi #blacksea #followme #trabzoniktmKadıralak Yaylasında balık keyfi... On the left, in front of a cave, there are several monastery buildings. Yaklaşık 1600 yıllık mazisi olan Sümela Manastırı, korunarak bugünlere gelmiştir. Tonya /Trabzon By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off Facebook through cookies. Trabzon’da restorasyon çalışmaları tamamlanan Sümela Manastırı ve Ayasofya Camii, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy’un katılımıyla düzenlenecek törenlerle bugün ziyarete açılıyor. Every day at 09: 00 We meet your hotel. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, Sümela Manastırı'ndaki restorasyonunun yüzde 65'lik bölümünün tamamlandığını söyledi.

To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. In 1930, those who migrated founded a new monastery which they named as the new Panagia Soumela Monastery on the slopes of Mount Vermion, near the town of Naousa, in Macedonia, Greece.

The large building with a balcony on the front part of the cliff was used for the monks' cells and for housing guests. ktuaktivite Sümela Manastırı ülkemizin tanıtımının önemli eserlerindendir. The library is to the right. #MüjdelerOlsun Yağmur ve Çay hasadı keşfet... first trip we Sumela Monastery was our first stop after 45 minutes Maçka the late after Altindere valley in the waterfalls of the photo a break then Sumela Monastery at the point called the Terraces for its unique nature . Ülkemizin her değeri gibi bu değere de biz sahip çıktık. Sumela is 1600 year old ancient Orthodox monastery located at a 1200 meters height on the steep cliff at Macka region of Trabzon city in Turkey.The site was abandoned in 1923 and became a museum and a popular tourist attraction because of its breath-taking location, structure and scenery. During the 6th century, it was restored and enlarged by General It reached its present form in the 13th century after gaining prominence during the existence of the In 1682 and for the following decades, the monastery housed the Until the Russian occupancy in Trabzon (1916 - 1918) , Sumela Monastery stayed active and visited by monks and Christian and Muslim pilgrimages.

Takipet @trabzoniktm

Of/Trabzon goloomad The Sümela Monastery, located in the Maçka district of the Black Sea province of Trabzon, has been visited by around 45,000 local and international tourists since being reopened to worship on July 28, local officials have said.. Around 2,800 daily visitors on an average over a period of 16 days made the … #turkiye #trabzon #go #uzungöl #kulturportali #keşfet #nefesal #sky #goodnews #MemleketinBöylesi #ig_turkey #travelgram #turkshutter #wonderful_places #natural #anadolugram #GoTurkey #ig_photoclub #travelblogger #Karadenizinrenkleri #fotografheryerde #bugununkaresi #blacksea #followme #trabzoniktmYerli ve yabancı turistlerin ilgi odağı olan #SümelaManastırı’nın ikinci etabını, zorlu ve meşakkatli bir restorasyon sürecinin ardından ziyaretçileriyle buluşmaya hazır.

The monastery is constructed on rocks reached by a path through the forest. During the 2015-2017 restoration works, a secret tunnel was discovered which lead to a place which is believed to have served as a temple or chapel for Christians. Başkan Erdoğan'dan flaş açıklamalar cakatcigdem Türkiye'nin 'inanç turizmi' açısından önemli merkezlerinden biri olan Trabzon'un Maçka ilçesindeki tarihi Sümela Manastırı ile 2013 yılında müzeden camiye dönüştürülen Ayasofya Camisi'nde başlatılan restorasyon çalışmaları tamamlandı. Today Sumela Monastery is a museum open to visitors from all over the world, and the restoration work is funded by the Turkish Government.Today the monastery's primary function is as a tourist attraction. Çaykara /Trabzon Der Name stammt vom griechischen Melas (Schwarz), nach dem griechischen Namen des Berges, in dessen Felswand das Kloster gebaut wurde.

Das Sumela-Kloster (türkisch Sümela (Meryem Ana) Manastırı, griechisch Παναγία Σουμελά Panagía Soumelá, deutsch Muttergottes von Sumela) ist ein ehemaliges griechisch-orthodoxes Kloster aus byzantinischer Zeit in der Nordosttürkei in Maçka (Provinz Trabzon). 1 Ocak 2018 21 Ağustos 2019 Blue Green 0 yorum Barnabas, Karadeniz Turu, Sophranios, Sümela, Sümela Efsanesi, Sümela Hikayesi, Sümela Manastır ı, Trabzon, Trabzon Gezilecek yerler, Trabzon Turu. As of 2012, the Turkish government is funding reconstruction work, and the monastery is enjoying a revival in pilgrimage from Greece and Russia.

Takipet @trabzoniktm #turkiye #trabzon #go #tonya #life #keşfet #kulturportali #nefesal #goodnews #MemleketinBöylesi #huzur #cuma #ig_turkey #travelgram #turkshutter #wonderful_places #natural #anadolugram #GoTurkey #ig_photoclub #yeşilmasal #travelblogger #Karadenizinrenkleri #fotografheryerde #bugununkaresi #followme #trabzoniktmHaftasonu nefes al, keşfet...