There are hundreds of techs present in the game and only a very small number of them are certain to be present in every single game. All rights reserved. Dec 3, 2016 @ 6:21pm Tech Tree Gone My tech tree shows a blank background screen now. What holds the system together is the large amounts of redundancy inherent in the system. Eventually you can embed spies and saboteurs all across the galaxy, destabilizing worlds and helping you pick choice targets.Unfortunately, however, it’s another victim of Master of Orion’s obsession with simplicity. Nobody wants to hear about the time I found a space monster and just killed it, or the time I fought a war and won because I had a stronger military.
I had this problem yesterday when starting a new game with Terran after the patch. What we have here is a game that’s competent, sure, and polished, but entirely devoid of surprises; a game that acts like you’ve never played a 4X title before and thus will be satisfied by a string of extremely conservative features.It has all the stuff you’d expect from a 4X, presented through a slender but legible UI. Recommended Technology Tree (Electronics) (Chemistry) (Nuclear Fission) (Cold Fusion) Biospheres (Astro Biology) - Allows habitation of uninhabitable terrain; Cloning Center - More humans with good attributes; Soil Enrichment (Advanced Biology) - More productive Agriculture It is important to note here the nature of Master of Orion researching. They’re all too dull. These are used to target enemy ships, they are in the Computers research field and they both help you hit more often and to do more damage. Lowering this settings will fix it.
Need-Driven Research. ; General tech achievements that provide global bonuses and apply from the moment of their discovery.
Here I will ask folks to discuss the ideas for inserting new techs into this branch, to both "flesh it out" and to give us a place to but together all the disjointed thoughts and ideas about different ideas and such that anyone can come up with.Basically, I would want to have techs in the game, within this branch, that allow players to do what no MOO2 player could do before:Leader Techs = allow players to research a series of techs that allow for 'building' one's own Custom Leaders, that can be one of several different types, focused upon the 'weak spots' within the game and also adding new, original content to different areas of the game.New buildings = allow players to construct new building, that allow players to construct new units, and research new Techs. It’s confusing and counterintuitive (especially since the game fails to make it clear how pointless they are), but the strangest part of this is that solution to this problem can be found in the original 23-year-old game. The way this works is that there are a given number that are always available and the computer takes the rest of them, randomly picks about half of them, and then throws them completely out, giving you the rest. The tech tree in MOST games is pretty Dull, even when playing only creative races in Moo2 the tech tree was dull. They don’t eat. Attempting to win the game through diplomacy, for instance, amounts to having a big population, while an economic victory involves merely building a lot of economic structures. Each technology is assigned a specific level in its field and no two technologies are ever the same level in the same field. So desperately, it seems, the developers wanted to recapture the magic of this series that they forgot the context of its many successes.
- posted in Master of Orion: Legacies: Ok, so in this thread I want to talk about adding in some of my personal favorite pet peeves fixes to the MOO2 game. Sociology, the most important tech Tree. Gosh, it’s a shame to have to write that. Rock Paper Shotgun and RPS are registered trade marks of ReedPop Limited. Not so with the Psilons, who get it all. Almost all technologies follow this pattern.
If there are multiple of a given level available available you don't necessarily have to research all of them to proceed, but your technological level must be high enough to continue on.