I think plenty of men will be happy to compete for her and she should have a good season when her turn comes.• Sean's mother was decidedly worried about Sean proposing to either of the ladies left tonight, but maybe she's just worried about her son trying to find a wife on a TV show. Coiffure "My time as the bachelor is just about up," Lowe posted to Twitter on Monday. 'The Bachelor' 2013 finale: Sean gives out his final rose . Top Chef by Free Britney at November 9, 2012 8:45 am.
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See ya tonight!
As they rode away on top of an elephant, it seemed to be a fitting ending to a show that attempts to create fairy tale romance.But before that moment could happen, Sean had to dismiss Lindsay.
The end of everything has to come eventually and tonight marks The Bachelor 2013 Finale and the end of us seeing The Bachelor Sean Lowe shirtless every week, but the big question of the night is who gets the final rose from Sean Lowe tonight on The Bachelor Season 17 Finale? Balayage People France Accueil
Lissage This left Catherine rightfully terrified.But on the last day he decided she was the one, because Catherine was the woman he didn't want to say goodbye to. The season revolves around a single bachelor and a pool of romantic interests, which could include a potential wife for the bachelor. Enfants de stars "The Bachelor" star Sean Lowe has picked his winner after giving away the final rose and proposing to Catherine during season 16's finale Monday night. Ouch. Mode Seems reasonable.• How did Catherine possibly get up on that elephant while wearing that dress?• When Lindsay met Sean's dad, did it seem like she was in a job interview to anyone else?• I prove my limitless masculine denseness when I say, I could not tell any difference between the rings Sean chose from tonight.Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission.Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Danse avec les Stars Les Anges Interviews L'Amour est dans le pré Pékin Express
Brushing As I predicted last week, Desiree has decided to throw herself into the fire and take up the mantle of "The Bachelorette."
Retour article : Alix (Bachelor 2014) : ''Adriano, le Bachelor 2013, était un connard !'' Updated at March 11, 2013 10:12 pm.