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Two King Midas’ are way better than one!When an excellent single-player focused series starts taking its first steps into the multiplayer world, what be the result?Fire Emblem Fates is definitely among the most controversial entries in the series, mostly due to the game being split into three different titles, ala Pokemon.Fire Emblem Fates is also remarkable for having introduced online multiplayer into the series, allowing players to put together a team of 5 units, then take on friends and strangers in a variety of well-designed maps.All so you can prove that your ultra-powerful Lord is truly the hero the world needs.Is that the Hyrule Field theme you hear in the distance? Which is the exact opposite of what the game needs to be.Still, creating worlds and crafting items is as fun as it has ever been. Some of my favourite moments in my life are the times I’ve spent playing video games with my friends.Sure, sometimes I want to wring their necks, but most of the time it’s a pleasant experience. The Dream Eaters are the main focus of the game’s multiplayer mode called A fun diversion from the series, even if it’s not what most players expected.In New Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario has become King Midas, turning everything he touches into gold.This game doesn’t differ much from the rest of the series. My obsession was I’d like to pass my knowledge down onto those of you who might be interested in picking up some great 3DS games to play with your friends. And you collect Yo-kai, spirits that roam the land.While the story is entertaining enough, exploring the world in search of Yo-kai is what makes the game outstanding.Mostly thanks to a lot of mini-games and side-activities.The automated turn-based combat is also quite remarkable, as it comes with some interesting ideas that take advantage of the console’s touch screen.The good fortune that the Yo-kai bring finally touched the multiplayer mode too, which is no longer limited to local battles only. Surprisingly enough, the multiplayer features of the original have been ported over to the 3DS version.So two players can take on the main campaign as Sonic and Tails, or challenge one another in the Versus mode.Not the deepest multiplayer experience on the 3DS, but one that deserves to be experienced at least once, no matter the console.Heroes armed to the teeth, time to move out! This will help you hone your skills when you are ready to take on other players in the game’s online multiplayer mode.Time to start tapping and swiping, these Marlboros aren’t going away by themselves.The God of gaming said you shall have no other space adventure beside Star Fox 64 3D. Animal Crossing New Leaf. 3D Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection Pure Chess Smash Bowling 3D The Cube But some issues here and there prevented the games from becoming massive successes.These issues have been fixed in Mario Party Star Rush, as the game moves at a These enhanced mechanics, however, would mean very little if the mini-games weren’t fun… and thankfully the game fully delivers on this front with a solid selection.All these options will make your local multiplayer sessions an enjoyable mayhem of taunts and goading. It just offers combat scenarios and puzzles that only make sense when played with others.Uneven level design and lack of voice chat can make the experience frustrating, especially during online play… but if you have two more friends to join in, you definitely need to Link together in this LoZ title.A classic among classics in the palm of your hands.This is the same game that fans have come to love since 1992.It features excellent level design, colorful graphics, and incredibly catchy music. Really, it’s actually fun to play.It features a huge song selection that covers not only all the main entries in the series up until Final Fantasy XV, but also spin-offs and other Square-Enix games.All songs, which can be played through with different control styles including the stylus control style, come with multiple difficulty levels. And a tower climber.While some of the game modes pale in comparison to others, they manage to be incredibly fun in the local and online multiplayer modes.Up to eight players can join in the fun so there’s plenty of room to party.A comeback has hardly ever been as stylish as Pit’s comeback for Kid Icarus: Uprising.It’s a game that could only be possible on the console, thanks to its unique control scheme that requires both traditional and touch controls.But the fun doesn’t stop with the end of the massive story mode, as Kid Icarus: Uprising features Not a simple diversion, but an integral part of an amazing experience that all 3DS owners should experience.If you’re looking for something crazy to enjoy on the go, look no further.Surreal is the best adjective for Rhythm Heaven Megamix.Feeling more like a compilation of the best the series ever offered, rather than a brand new game, Rhythm Heaven Megamix features a variety of incredibly catchy songs. Now your Yo-kai team can become the best in the world!Resident Evil Revelations is not just a fantastic survival-horror game.I won’t spend a lot of words on the single-player campaign that saw the return of classic Resident Evil protagonist Jill Valentine, not because it does not deserve it, but because it has to be experienced.As never before a video game franchise made such as an The local and online multiplayer experience also deserves a lot of praise here though.Raid mode manages to take stages from the single-player campaign, and adapt them to a full-on shooter experience that requires cooperation between players. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. From Mario Kart to Shovel Knight, here are 15 of the best multiplayer games on Nintendo 3DS. Mario Kart 7. Not every game on this list is exclusively multiplayer, but they all have excellent multiplayer modes to play with your friends.