We do not speak English but Portuguese only mixed with Tupi ).The full list of sources is pretty large, and you can access it here: The XP-54, XP-56, and others.
This is about a different variant.
Can we have this one as well (P-51C) in the main tech tree
I think it would make more sense having a mixed Portuguese/Brazilian tech tree, since both countries speak the same language and used to be part of the Portuguese Empire. I would again reiterate my support for a combined Latin American tree.
Is. There are light tanks based on M3 Stuart, M41 Walker Bulldog and medium tanks of indigenous designs.Line 2 - wheeled light tanks and tank destroyers. Would give a lot more vehicles.
Japan's late tier tanks can be argued to be even better than the leopard however it doesn't make up for the fact that the first 3 ranks are horrendus and spotty. These are the tech trees for American, and Soviet aircraft.
All The New Swedish Ground Vehicles | Absolute Meme Brazilian-made tanks are all amphibious wheeled light tanks, anti tanks and SPGs, 30mm or 105mm. Korean Virtual Fighter Squadron =KVFS=
Have been in the game for years.
Especially their upgraded M3's and M41's Hello, I'm going to suggest adding Brazil as a new nation to the game, and here is Brazilian Ground Forces Tech Tree: That's an unusual armament configuration, to say the least... He uses the same gun as the IFV PUMA. Airplane Gods -APGOD- It also has Gepards and a bunch of other M like the M109. Originally I was planning the Latin American tech tree, but when I saw Argentinian independent tech tree I understood Brazil has to be independent too. The purchase of the swedish fighters is part of a big corruption scandal, just like every government purchase in Brazil.
Next were the italian MB326 and the french Dassault Mirage III. I be in the game? The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today.
Its air tree is going to contain many "copy/paste" material that I believe most players would like to avoid, mixing them with say Argentina would promote more domestic diversity as opposed to the alternative. Shinten Seiku Tai [SSTai] Brazukas =BRZ= TheEuropeanCanadian Elite Squad -TECES- Have been in the game for years. You should also add what battle rating it should be. You can access decent sources for all tanks from my site (I will also answer all the questions regarding my tree if you have any!
Brazil is not like other Latin American countries, in that Brazil speaks Portuguese and not Spanish. Brazilian TT gives us only 4 new SPAAG vehicles, but with clones this is enough for complete anti-air branch.At first, I tried avoiding too many copies - and that is why not all the Brazilian tanks might be here.All the BRs are approximate (or can be totally wrong), and were set as for arcade mode.All the shown premium tanks can be implemented as available for purchase for Lions, pack specials or any others.I expect M8 Greyhound and VBB-1 (1st Prototype) to be the Reserve tanks.Here is the vehicle list with all the tank pictures. Likely it will end up between 3.0 to 3.7, being the same Allison engine as the P-51 and slightly more firepower than the P-51A TL You can access decent sources for all tanks from my site (I will also answer all the questions regarding my tree if you have any! Mostly recent brazilian tech for weapons in general are made in cooperation with germany and france.
On 15/04/2020 at 15:48, Marechal_wilians said: Powered by a single Allison V-1710-39 engine, delivering 1220hp at 10000ft and a max speed of … Brazil actually made many variations of vehicles, mainly the m41, such as the B and C, which was from the navy, also has the leopard version 1a1 br that has thermal vision, but I don't think a South American research line worked because the other nations have made many variants of vehicles from abroad or national versions, such as the TAM that is at stake, and the South American line would present the T-72B as 2a5 oil and anti-German and Russian oil and German that would come out in my opinion it is very large and operational, because it brings together several good tanks from different nations
Brazilian navy is very mixed, with british, german, french, american, italian and brazilian ships. Yes please and the mark 3 possibly (Malcolm hood and Merlin engine).
In WW II they used the P-47. Shinten Seiku Tai [SSTai] And after my research I found pretty enough vehicles for a decent and interesting TT, not worse than French or Italian one.