I'm no DD main but I would say yes, maybe. The KM cruiser hydro is rather magnificent as an alternative way of making DDs' lives miserable (it's obviously shorter ranged than radar, but it does detect torps). Pretty standard.
In general, in a cruiser, this means you still don't want to get hit, but if they land around you, be at an angle where they have nothing flat to land on.

When I had 1000 battles, I was still learning about this games but besides cruisers, are destroyers a beginner friendly line? Caeefully choosing your ship and ship class can make or break you in It was hard to choose the light cruiser Helena over the heavy cruisers available, but her high speed, concealment, and unique gun setup set her apart from other ships of the class.

Her 15 gun loadout can do a massive amount of damage if opposing ships mistakenly take the full brunt of her broadside salvo. They are roaming ships. Branch out into light and heavy cruisers, with light cruisers being pure shell spam and consumable abuse, while heavies are slow but hard-hitting AP and decent HE. If you like plenty of dakka, the US CLs are worth a look, although you lose the torps from T6; be mindful though that most CLs from all nations (with the main exception being the RN) often need a heavy investment in captain skills to be effective - mainly due to generally needing IFHE, although there are a few exceptions. They have fast reload for heavy cruiser guns and radar. Ibuki is barely better. Whilst I'm pretty awful with cruisers, I might suggest IJN, to start with, as they're perhaps the most well-rounded - a decent mixture of guns and (long-range) torps, and they're not completely fragile. Episode 34 of Captain's Academy gives you the essential aspects of cruiser play. The Gneisenau features a 380mm main gun, two triple-tube torpedo launchers, a minimum of 13 and a maximum of 360mm armor, 3 main turrets, between four and 11 secondary turrets, and between six and 14 AA mounts.

Once you've gotten the better guns, range and C-hull she's an absolute monster though. yeah, I mean the ship is good but I find it hard to use properly in battle, also with Tier 5 I'm playing against tier 7 so I will just have to try my best to get the Tier 6 ship  Yeah, It shouldn't take long for me to get the tier 6 IJN cruiser as I have all the modules on it that I need and I don't need much xp to get the tier 6. Otherwise with cruisers like the japanese ones are pretty good to learn, how a cruiser actually works, but they can be more frustrating for beginners, because the japanese cruisers have shallow shell arcs, so they can't hide behind islands and have to dodge and maneuver a lot

torpedoes have decent range and angles but are few, so they mostly are for harassment. USN - Good gun dpm, but lack torps. I don't know how far you've come with the Furutaka, but stock (i.e. Get unmaneuverable fast but have good shell speed to hit things at range. T8 and T9 are pretty rough to play, and you need to angle always against bbs, otherwise you get deleted RU - Long-range cruisers. Players with Gneisenau should spring for the Hull (B) upgrade as quickly as possible as it will add a ton of HP and more secondary guns. Typical of US ships, players need to focus on keeping Helena out of the direct line of fire to be able to use her effectively. While she can handle anything you throw at her, Gneisenau performs best when used for AA duties or as an aggressive brawler.The Midway is the best of the entire US aircraft carrier line and is well suited for adapting to any strategy as necessary. no upgraded modules) that ship is awful. But if u enjoy with "salt & pepper" & snipe from corner of the map, go for Russian Bias - Budyonny or Molotov (note: Molotov gun similar to DM (Tier 9 VMF cruiser) For Tier 7 Cruiser… Once you've gotten the better guns, range and C-hull she's an absolute monster though. ... Caeefully choosing your ship and ship class can make or break you in World of Warships. She can easily run down most ships you come across and can take a lot more damage than you would expect thanks to the turtleback armor scheme. KM - AP dpm. RU - Long-range cruisers. Flamu recently made a good commentary about the ship if you're interested: Flamu recently made a good commentary about the ship (and how to make the most of it) if you're interested: