2) If you use the official 'challenge mode' button, then yes, you need to log in. Thanks!At the moment it works like this. I do geoguessr videos on Youtube, give out the challenge link, and have fun with my viewers. You earn more or less points depending on how close your guess was to the actual location. A subreddit dedicated to Geoguessr, a simple but addicting browser game!

Your name and post can be seen by everyone.Your e-mail will never be shown publicly. The person(s) you challenge will see your name as 'challenger' in this case. You cannot accept a challenge from a stranger without revealing your personal information.

So a few thoughts/ideas :Challenger = the first person that plays, the one that generates the challenge link. We only ask that you respect the game and only use resources allowed by the challenger. Might be nice to think of a way to differenciate them a little more in the "my challenges" screen.That's a great idea, we'll try to think of a way of distinguishing them more.
I live here myself and it is beautiful! Compare yourself and play against thousands of other professional explorers! I would prefer if I could use Geoguessr without ever being logged in. 9 Jun 2014 Report inappropriate content I don't know about real time, but a group of us play a timed challenge every day. You cannot share a challenge on a public forum without revealing your personal information.3) A challenge may only be accepted by a logged-in user. That's the most important part because it breaks the 2-player wall.

As you stated the email isn't shared with the challenging player, only the nickname of the user is visible in the result view for the challenge (the link that is in the email).The second issue that you mentioned is actually done intentionally and is done with people like you in mind that shares their challenge link publicly on the internet. Gonna be an issue for me if you can only play the link with the one person.ok I got another game going. Welcome to the GeoGuessr Community! This is done in order to avoid spamming the player that created the challenge with unnecessary emails.I can however see that this creates some problems for you. or And then you can click different people, to compare different people with different people (or the same, you, or whoever played really).Sorry for how long it took. What do you think a solution with a separate section under the previous games view which lists all the challenges that you have participated in, and the outcome of each?This creates a problem for me because I've been tracking everyone's results and been noting them down on a patented scoreboard. geoguessr join leave 4,994 readers.
Andreas. I can go to my game history, then click on that game. The message you get when trying to create your account from your Google account caused the confusion.I have another issue however, I suppose I'll share it here instead of starting a new thread. Let's say that 10 people play a given game, me being one of the players. GeoGuessr. Sign up.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Do you have any suggestions of what more information you would like to see for each challenge?Well yeah, it's not like they each have a name... here's a couple ideas :Score of the other player? Your email address is never revealed to anyone except the Geoguessr server for notification purposes, and you can choose any name for your account.1) a challenge can be created either at the beginning or at the end of the game.2) and 3): This mode pre-dates the user accounts, so they are never used at all.Thanks! 1) A challenge must be initiated before playing the game - you cannot decide at the end of a game that you liked the locations and want to share it with others2) A challenge may only be created by a logged-in user. Five locations from Street View, picked at random: can you guess where you ended up this time? I imagine it involves copying the 16-character random key and appending it to a different path? If you created the challenge you will get the result for all the participants on the "My challenges" screen (but only email for the first one as stated before), but each participant will be part of a new challenge, so it will be you + 1 participant for each challenge.So correct me if I'm wrong, but, are all of the following things true? The comment you are looking for have either been moved to a new discussion or been deleted. For now we can keep using the Old version but if you can add that timed challenge to the new version, that'd be great.

Embark on a journey that takes you all over the world. As I mentioned, I do Geoguessr games on Youtube, and share the challenge link with my viewers, so we can all play. The comment you are looking for have either been moved to a new discussion or been deleted. However, since a challenge link can be use by an unlimited number of people the subsequent players, after the two first, won't generate a result email. Like, US-FR-AU-SK-BR. From the most desolate roads in Australia to the busy, bustling streets of New York City.Spectacular natural wonders and astonishing man-made structures. The first person still gets his result link by email. Or more importantly, when a new video comes out, at the end I put everybody's scores on the previous video's game. And if you don't, well, like a lot of things in this game, you might just be interested in picking that up to know it next time :POh, and if the string makes it in, the string followed by your score. ), and then of course it is added to the history of any other player playing through the game.Now then, here's what I have in mind. GeoGuessr is a fun and casual way to learn about new places, play games and compete with your friends and others. And I'm limiting myself too, but it's still way too long...I have just created a second testing account on GeoGuessr to check how the Challenge-functionality exactly works right now.Right now, the first two people indeed get an email to the results-page (which is the challenge-link, but swapped with "results").