Bomber: 375
CAREFUL: Don’t forget to have enough cargo capacity in your ships. will be a DF at #16 that you can use Pathfidners to go and pick upyou don`t have #16 slot because you are not a discoverer, but you can still send spy probes manually at that position and check in the report is the CR is still there. Between 0 to 10 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is not exhausted so keep going! Okay I tried to find the answer, but all i find is a bunch of equations that i don't understand. Large Cargo: 60 However, you can have a fight, lost ships.
7/7/7). Hallo, der Pathfinder baut ein TF aus der Expo nicht direkt ab. - 22% of the expedition finds ships Crawler for Collector, Reaper for General, Pathfinder for Discoverer. Example:
Espionage Probe: 5 Simulator; Missiles Range; Battle. Enjoy!Press J to jump to the feed.
68,5% metal - 7% of the expedition takes 2, 3 or 5 times of delay. Feel free to ask questions, discuss strats, or just show off your newest defense system, mines, or fleetcrash. If you don’t click on the right box, you pay 3.500 Dark Matter. Check <
7,5% deuterium. medium package: 500-700 DM There are currently 3 Classes introduced with the v7 MCO. - 2% of the expedition come back early - 0,33% of the expedition the whole fleet or in partial can be lost.
The size of the aliens fleet are between 40% to 120% of you structural integrity points. You can't find death star, colony ship and recycler. - 32,5% of the expedition brings resources The factor of multiplication stay the same so in the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50. You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100. This technology help to have more colonies, but also, make expeditions. This technology allow you to have more colonies, send more expeditions at time and colonise all planet slots. Ogame Tools. For miners: You need to have full Small/Large Cargo. and depending of what you want to get you should always change your fleet.for example if you want to grab some metal/crystal:light fighter amount must be greater than any other ships in your expedition5 reaper ( got it on expedition and when i send reaper i always get +5m metal )As far as i remember i always got metal and crystal with this setupkeep big ships high( like battle ship, cruiser, bomber etc )I am having huge fun with this setup. medium package: 500-700 DM Espionage Probe: 5 Astrophysical level 4 = 2 expedition in the same time 3. -0,7% of the expedition finds a merchant. Simulator; Missiles Range; Battle. In the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50. First, to be able to send an expedition, you need to have astrophysics. What we need to put to maximize the expedition for find ships, resources?
I'm thinking of building a couple Deathstars just for the sake of having them and being able to do some shenanigans with them if I join an active fleeter alliance. If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200. - 22% of the expedition finds ships 8) Find nothing: CAREFUL!!! Check <
What happen during the expeditions? The reset times for expedition chances, from testing, is 3 days. Since 2009, Ogame has included the new technology: astrophysics.
Note that it is possible to have one extra expedition if you activate Admiral.
Heavy Fighter: 50 Light Fighter: 20 It’s the same formula for the ships as for the resources. What we need to put to maximize the expedition for find ships, resources? Simulator; CR Converter; ACS; Phalanx Range; Moon Destruction; Costs. I personally made a thread in the .de board for testing the new settings: Anpassung der Expofunde für hochstufige Accounts.These results have been verified a lot of times already and have … The experience show you can find: when someone fleetsave me, it does not even bother me coz i get more in my next expedition :PNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThis place is for all OGame lovers to discuss anything and everything surrounding OGame. Here the probability of each events: Join us now and take advantage of it! The maximum amount of expedition fleets you can have out at the same time is the square root of your expedition technology level rounded down.
Since 2009, Ogame has included the new technology: astrophysics. - 2% of the expedition come back early So, here the number of expedition points: You can send fleets …