Aber guck doch mal unter Hitra Turistservice unter News da findes du auch etwas was dort gefangen wurde bis jetzt.

Wir möchten das im März feiern, beginnend mit diesem Video. Cod, pollock and pollack were caught in the last week.

Wir wünschen allen unseren Gästen und Anhängern ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Vielen Dank an alle, die uns dieses Jahr besucht haben. Information Seekarte Haus Region Boot 100 A – Måsøval, 4 pers. This is one of our new houses for season 2020! If you want to fish in the very good fishing spots outside of Kvenvær, and at the same time stay completely for yourself, this house is a perfect alternative

Das ist verständlich. Doch Sie sollten auf zwei Dinge achten: 1.

Hitra Turistservice / Angeln auf Hitra & Fröya / Fishing on Hitra & Fröya Das Haus liegt direkt neben dem Haus 101 und gehört dem selben Besitzer wie 101. We want to wish all our guests and followers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks to all who have visited us this year, we hope you will return in 2020 And welcome to all new guests in the new year It was cold and a lot of wind and rain. We hope you will celebrate with us We are so happy to see that you liked our house video.

Din e-postadresse vil ikke bli brukt til noe annet formål, og du kan når som helst melde deg av. 1.703 €Per week A renovated apartment, approx. Dieses Mal von Stadsvik Brygger! Due to a short-term cancellation, the dates 29.08.-05.09.20 and 05.09.-15.09.20 (10 = 7) are available again for house 100A. Then there will be more fun stuff and a competition for our guests and followers during the next few weeks. Hallo wir waren im Aug. 2005 auf Hitra im Haus 216 und wir hatten für erstemal Hitra doch großen Erfolg mit dem Angeln. We meet our guests on arrival and during the stay.Two of us working at Hitra Turistservice have grown up and lived on the islands all of our life. A fishing trip in fresh air and beautiful nature with friends and family is definitely therapy for the soul.We are passionate about giving our guests their best possible stay, including accommodation, boats and other services.

Therefore, it is important that you get a stay that recharges your batteries. Hitra Turistservice / Angeln auf Hitra & Fröya / Fishing on Hitra & Fröya; We rent out houses and fishing centers for fishing tourism on the islands Hitra and Frøya, located in the middle of Norway.

We want to wish all our guests and followers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks to all who have visited us this year, we hope you will return in 2020 And welcome to all new guests in the new year Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates on the 2020 season. See pictures and more info here:

Therefore we want to share another one This time of beautiful Steinsjø Kvenvær, one of our most popular fishing centers. This is one of our new houses for season 2020! If you want to fish in the very good fishing spots outside of Kvenvær, and at the same time stay completely for yourself, this house is a perfect alternative We start the new year by producing outdoor videos of all our houses and fishing centers! Wir fahren jetzt am 2.08.07 in die gleiche Ecke Haus 298. Gruppen Lemigo tok en rekordstor uer (kungsfisk) siste uke, på hele 7 kg. We also look at images we have received from our guests this season, both to select a winner in the annual photo competition and to use images in the catalog. Heilbutt Drill 15,1 KG, Gruppe Jörg Siedletzki, Februar 2012, Sandvik Brygger Since 1989 Hitra Turistservice has been renting out houses and fishing centers for the fishing tourism on the islands Hitra and Frøya. : 0047 4000 19 55 - Fax: 0047 72 44 37 29 Direkte & Kosteng端nstige Rufumleitung direkt zu uns nach Norwegen - Tel. Stand construction for the fishing and boat fair in Utrecht / Netherlands is in progress.

We are lucky to have many great guests during the season and love to hear what they think of their fishing vacation Have you been one of our guests? Fortsatt flott vær og gode fangster på Hitra og Frøya. Enjoy! Maybe you know which house this is, or where it is? See more information and book your fishing adventure at: See pictures and more info here: Hier ist eines der Videos, die bald für jede Unterkunft auf unserer Webseite verfügbar sein werden.

Hitra Turistservice AS N-7246 Sandstad Tel. You get everything you need and are located just a short boat trip from the open ocean 30 m from the sea. Fortsatt god sommer alle sammen; Hitterværinger, hyttefolk og turister. See all info about it and booking here: Hitra når du vil oppleve. The holiday is for most fishers the highlight of the year. Build on the roof of the store in Kjerringvag on Dolmöy, direct by house 224. Along with the mackerel, the hake has arrived and bites well on natural baits. ⚓️

Våre sjønære feriehus ligger idyllisk til rundt omkring på ferieparadiset Hitra og Frøya! Hitra Turistservice startet in die 28. Liebe Gäste von Hitra Turistservice! The first redfish, mackerel and hake were also reported, and even two squids. We always try to stay personal with our guests and give them the information they need, whether it’s weather forecasts or tips for good fishing spots.In the small community we have out here, we know our landlords very well. Vi har ledige kontorlokaler i hurtigbåtterminalen på Sandstad, Hitra. Ved interesse ta kontakt med Hitra Turistservice. We hope this will provide insight in the surrondings and proximity to the sea To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. We will be so happy if you want to leave a review in the link below Sommer 2020... stille, men allikevel full av liv. It is idyllically located with a big garden and a short distance to the sea.

Wir hoffen, dass Ihr 2020 wiederkommt. Und wir heißen alle neuen Gäste im neuen Jahr herzlich Willkommen.

You can visit us from tomorrow to Sunday.