こう Kun’yomi. Everything you need to know about waiting a really long time for your precious reviews. ひか Nanori. Thus, For the vocab 10000, if numerals were allowed, 20000 and 50000 would also be accepted, which are wrong.A: WaniKani quizzes you on reading/meaning pairs. The method here at WaniKani uses mnemonics that are repeated throughout the levels, as well as a unique set of radicals.
Please spend some time browsing the topics here before replying or starting your own, and you’ll have a better chance of meeting others who share your interests.You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. It also partially abstracts the on’yomi/kun’yomi readings of kanji (instead relying on which reading is most common), which is useful in being able to more easily guess vocabulary readings. Help us influence the future of this community by choosing to engage in discussions that make this forum an interesting place to be — and avoiding those that do not.Discourse provides tools that enable the community to collectively identify the best (and worst) contributions: favorites, bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, edits, and so forth. First of all, many questions are answered in the official A: Good question. With your help, moderators can be community facilitators, not just janitors or police.When you see bad behavior, don’t reply. We, too, are a shared community resource — a …
It encourages the bad behavior by acknowledging it, consumes your energy, and wastes everyone’s time.
However, stumbling upon kanji “in the wild” while studying grammar or reading Japanese should be fine.A: The consensus is to skip the TextFugu kanji decks (and probably vocab too). Everything covered in TextFugu will also be covered in WaniKani, and it doesn’t make any sense to study the same material using two different SRS systems. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law.Yes, legalese is boring, but we must protect ourselves – and by extension, you and your data – against unfriendly folks.
ま Nanori.
Use these tools to improve your own experience, and everyone else’s, too.Let’s try to leave our park better than we found it.Moderators have special authority; they are responsible for this forum. So if you got the answer correct but were still down-leveled, that means you got the other item in the pair wrong earlier in the review.A: The early categories have multiple SRS levels within them. We're here to help!] You will need to type like that in order to get this one correct. People who loiter around the temple are probably just trying to wait. ~~~<3 [Lost?! 旅 ; 温; 12 待 Wait Radical Combination.
The old “Unofficial FAQ” is archived, but I thought maybe it’d be a good time to bring it back.
Learn Japanese kanji the effective way! In order to maintain our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time. First of all, many questions are answered in the official FAQ and the WaniKani …
You need to pay to allow your level 4 items to unlock.A: Right now there is no mechanism to skip levels, and there probably never will be. What is WaniKani? None Meaning Mnemonic. So sometimes when you advance to the next SRS level you stay within the same category.A: Here is the full list of the SRS intervals, along with the level you achieve when you get that review correct:A: Many readings use small や, ゆ, or よ (ya, yu, yo) to create new single syllable sounds like にゃ, にゅ, にょ (nya, nyu, nyo).
money doesn’t let you skip ahead). Advanced learners will just have to suck it up and repeat some material.A: Some community members have compiled some very useful data that helps equate kanji learned on WK to some real-life metrics.
On’yomi. If you have anything else to fix or add, please let me know!More of a meta-thing, but how is this thread going to be visible to newcomers?We can link to it in the forums themselves, but it’d be nice if the thread were pinned so that users could see it without having to be told about it first.New People Questions! So, even if you already know tons of kanji, by starting at level 1 you are training yourself on the mnemonics and radicals and the general WaniKani methods, which is invaluable to your future learning on this site. Be sure to notice what WK is asking for (it says on the review page “Kanji Reading?” or “Kanji Meaning?”). The current premium membership options are: Monthly ($9/month) Annual ($89/year) Lifetime ($299/once) Wow! So:Rather than posting “+1” or “Agreed”, use the Like button. Check out your A: Members have learnt from all over the place! Rather than taking an existing topic in a radically different direction, use Reply as a Linked Topic.You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. Need a shortcut for some of those miscellaneous typing issues? Any premium membership type gives you access to all of the content on WaniKani, though you still need to progress through the levels as usual (i.e. First of all, many questions are answered in the official FAQ and the WaniKani guide. Find the answers here. Check out the Onboarding Series to get yourself up and running in no time Getting Started. We have a 扌 Fingers 空 Sky Readings. 彳 Loiter 寺 Temple Readings.
WaniKani User Guide. Raise your fingers to the sky to symbolize that you abstain from something. I actually just linked the list of API and third party apps… do you think that’s good enough? How do I do this and that? What is life?