it's a win win situation!!! 1.) PoE is FULL of bots. Not sure how DE would implement something like that on their main game. Then it's a win-win. So instead of seeing a sea of greedy tenno looking for that path to grofit. The only things that come to mind are a dedicated Trade Board in the orbiter or having seperate channels for seperate things like rivens, mods, prime parts, misc parts, arcanes, tradable gems and alloys, Captura scenes, etc. Alright, so as many of you probably know was recently overhauled for the better – making it less laggy, more efficient, more user-friendly and just simply better all around.. Even though every sane person is using, it's not official part of the game so players aren't going to be taught about it in tutorials. ©2015 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved. Search in content If we had an auction house we would have none of that. You have to be in-game, people who want to buy your stuff need wait for you to finish the mission and there's still stupid chores of going to dojo for trading. is a Warframe market, where you can sell, buy and trade riven mods and items Weapons Guide to (Best 3rd party external trading platform for Warframe players)We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Search in posts It doesn't matter if any of us think that the current system doesn't really count as interactions. You need to be a member in order to leave a commentSign up for a new account in our community. When it does, Buy orders might be what you’re looking for :)!If you like our content, we'd love your help share it with others =)! is not a solution because: 1.) It’s like op is asking DE to just out right get rid of trading and create a market to just out right buy prime and riven stuff from DE: I did mention in a previous that this might be part of the reason for DE's inaction in this respect. Yes, but it's an external website, which makes it annoying to use (alt-tabbing) and limited in its features (e.g. Rule of thumb, always search for a topic first before you start a new one. I wonder how many people just dropped the game early on because they thought everything is paywalled (slots restrictions for new players are really harsh). and then get yelled at for bringing an old dead thread back to life!!! Search in pages I've glanced over the thread and I do agree that trading needs revisiting and a good cut and polish for streamlining.

Crocus Games. I've glanced over the thread and I do agree that trading needs revisiting and a good cut and polish for streamlining. Kind of. Tips n tricks So instead of seeing a sea of greedy tenno looking for that path to grofit. Plus having something like this in game would just kill the trading experience and make getting things artificial. Market for Warframe - You have to be in-game, people who want to buy your stuff need wait for you to finish the mission and there's still stupid chores of going to dojo for trading. If it answers your question you don't post in it. Platinum Warframe Market is where you can sell and buy mods, blueprints and other stuff. Game wisdom Game knowledge Isnt that what the already dose?Plus the trading isn’t that bad on warframe.

Plus having something like this in game would just kill the trading experience and make getting things artificial. It's easy! It’s like op is asking DE to just out right get rid of trading and create a market to just out right buy prime and riven stuff from DE: you just use a system that posts stuff you want to sell and you buy (anonymously) from other players through the in game market. DE said in the past that the like that people do stuff in and for warframe. is not a solution because:

You will still buy from players (not from DE) for the amount they've requested. for Destiny 2.