Die Dicke der Brettstapeldecken liegt zwischen 11 und 24 cm (Bretthöhe). 0000004306 00000 n Originally it consisted of low grade timber posts continuously nailed together to form panels strong enough to support mines and railways. 22 Konstruktionsheft Geschossdecke BRETTSTAPELDECKE ALS OBERSTE GESCHOSSDECKE FEUERWIDERSTANDSKLASSE F30-B Dämm- Feuerwider- U-Wert Amplituden- Phasen- Amplituden- Phasen-dicke standsklasse W/(m2 x K) dämpfung (1/TAV) verschiebung h* dämpfung (1/TAV) verschiebung h mm nach DIN 4102 mit STEICOflex mit STEICOtherm 80 F30-B 0,32 39 12,2 44 13,9 … 0000008815 00000 n 0000006341 00000 n 0000023186 00000 n 0000038703 00000 n The The structural panels are generally manufactured in 600mm wide sections, secured together using timber joints and further combined with sheathing board, This high degree of prefabrication means buildings can be manufactured and erected extremely quickly and efficiently. Ultimately however, specifying Brettstapel within the UK will contribute towards a higher quality of construction; a higher standard of living; an improved 0000010289 00000 n 0000001554 00000 n 0000031669 00000 n 0000011524 00000 n Brettstapel was invented in the 1970s by the German engineer Julius Natterer. 12 0 obj <> endobj xref 12 38 0000000016 00000 n 0000007132 00000 n 0000038197 00000 n 0000009714 00000 n 0000010938 00000 n
0000024757 00000 n 0000003202 00000 n Although some variations do still use Brettstapel was invented in the 1970s by the German engineer Throughout the development of Brettstapel, low grade wood (predominantly Brettstapel is manufactured to three quality grades depending on how visible the final product will be: Industrial, Standard and Exposed.Brettstapel is commonly produced as part of a prefabricated wall, ceiling or roof panel. 0000002106 00000 n Brettstapeldecken müssen zusätzlich gegen Schall gedämmt werden. 0000018920 00000 n 0000014193 00000 n 0000008069 00000 n 0000001369 00000 n Das geschieht zum einen über eine Beplankung der Deckenunterseite z. Das Fügekonzept ermöglicht eine Vielfalt von Untersichten, die auch akustisch wirksam ausgebildet werden können. %PDF-1.6 %���� 0000003619 00000 n The tallest building to use Brettstapel panels is currently the “E3” building in Germany at seven storeys tall.Contemporary Brettstapel construction is also employed in the Brettstapel projects are starting to be realised in the UK, Currently Brettstapel is predominantly manufactured in Austria, Switzerland, Germany and However as of Spring 2013 In-Wood Developments in EastSussex is believed to be the first UK manufacturer of Brettstapel Panels in the UK, bringing this construction opportunity to the UK market on a more competitive basis. 0000002615 00000 n trailer < The first showing of these UK manufactured panels was made at Ecobuild 2013. 0000006062 00000 n Scotland produces the majority of UK timber, 65% of which is used for woodchips, fencing, packaging and sawdust,Increasing the use of British timber will have huge ecological and economical benefits to the global environment and to British industries. 0000005782 00000 n 0000007519 00000 n Decken aus Brettstapeln oder aus Brettsperrholzplatten zeichnen sich durch geringe Dicke und Querverteilung von Einzellasten aus. 0000001758 00000 n 0000005183 00000 n 0000009276 00000 n 0000003237 00000 n 0000038409 00000 n It is now commonly used across Austria, Switzerland and Germany, whilst slowly emerging in the UK. 0000001056 00000 n 0000001307 00000 n Willkommen bei Eugen-Decker, einem der führenden Hersteller von Brettsperrholz ED-BSP, Konstruktionsvollholz, Duo/Trio-Balken, Brettschichtholz und Brettstapelelemente. 0000001833 00000 n 0000006924 00000 n 0000007439 00000 n 0000008146 00000 n It is one of a few construction methods that can be entirely fabricated from timber. Einzelne Brettstapel-Bauelemente können bis zu 12 m lang und 2,40 m breit sein. It takes approximately five weeks from cutting dried timber to completing the fit-out of a house, whilst a house can be erected on site and made weather tight in a matter of days. 0000037813 00000 n