A bit newer tool is DataStax Studio, which is more of a graph visualization tool, but I haven't used it, also check the pricing. He has a keen interest in all kinds of technologies, from consumer-tech to enterprise solutions. This is a little bit annoying for regular users of this NoSQL database. Download and install Python 2.7.Cassandra CQl is a python based utility and it has issues with other versions of python.Hence use version 2.7. say C:\Cassandra.Download and install JDK 1.8 from the oracle downloads page.Download and install Python 2.7.Cassandra CQl is a python based utility and it has issues with other versions of python.Hence use version 2.7.Make changes to the configuration files.Navigate toSearch for the text ‘JAVA_OPTS’ and change the java memory opts.Initially it will be set to 2G.You can change it to 512M or 1G which ever is fine for you.Start Cassandra server by navigating to below path and execute Cassandra.bat.For more detailed tutorials on installation visit:
So, here is the way to run the Apache Cassandra as background Windows service which automatically starts with computer boot up.Before following the below steps the Cassandra must be installed on your computer if it not then here is tutorial on that: To run Cassandra as a Windows service, the first thing we need is the open source project Apache commons daemon that provides a portable way to start and stop a Java Virtual Machine that is running server-side applications.After downloading the Apache commons daemon zipped file, extract it and move to the next step.Go to your Cassandra folder that you have downloaded and set up to run its different services. Built on open-source Apache Cassandra™ Apache Cassandra is the open-source, active-everywhere NoSQL that powers the internet’s largest applications. Step 4: Start Cassandra Database. DataStax has unified the DSE and OSS drivers to avoid user confusion and enhance the OSS … 4.
Open windows command prompt, go to the bin folder inside ddac-5.1.16 and execute the cassandra.bat file and then Cassandra database will be started. From Windows CMD. OpsCenter is a monitoring tool. To run Cassandra as a Windows service, the first thing we need is the open source project Apache commons daemon that provides a portable way to start and stop a Java Virtual Machine that is running server-side applications. Conclusion. It provides high availability with no single point of failure. But there was a problem after running the Apache Cassandra service on Command prompt you can’t close it otherwise you won’t be able to use Cassandra commands for Database. Downloaded and extracted Cassandra in C:\wamp64\apache-cassandra-3.10. DataStax (the maintainer of Apache Cassandra) has a tool called DevCenter.I use it, it gets the job done.
You can contact the author at-- raj@how2shout.comHow to start Cassandra as service in Windows 10/7/server Inside the Cassandra folder there in one another folder named “Inside the bin folder of Cassandra create a folder named Now get back to your Apache common Daemon extracted the folder and as per your operating systemThis makes Cassandra service automatically starts on Windows 10/8/7 or Windows servers.We have added the Casandra in Windows service, thus, you can easily get it in the He’s always been passionate about technology and writing on the subject since 2014.