It's 2 am and I've spent the past 4 hours learning how to mod, but it was worth it.... But if the game can only be finished with magical weapons, then no point regular weapon exist, except to make people who using it looks fool. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu.When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu.The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. If you can finish the game with weapon (melee; not include R1spammer weapon), sure thing you can finish game with magical weapons. Plenty of options allow you to choose between a balanced experience as the developers intended or making durability a complete non-factor.This is a recolor of the Tower Shield to black and gold for SotFS. Décompresser  l'archive dans Steam/Steamapps/common/Darksouls2(scholarofrhefirstsin)/gameappuyer sur la touche NUM1 pour activer ou désactiver le reshade et si vous voulez faire quelque changement SHIFT + F2enjoy!! To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account(SotFS only) Increases weapon durabilities to make the game much more enjoyable to play. A new and improved version of a few ct scripts, added an item randomizer to. - Lennigrast's Key is now found inside the small well at Majula. A new and improved version of a few ct scripts, added an item randomizer to. In Dark Souls which is lot of varied of weapons and armors you can challenge your self in many other way. iGP11 is required.This mod replaces the default theme for Majula with the Fortress of Lies track from Nier Automata.This is a series of armor pieces and weapons that have been modified to have a Knights Templar aesthetic.A new and improved version of a few ct scripts, added an item randomizer to.The GEM is developed for all those that seek for a stable & mature atmosphere that brings a new challenge to their DSII.transparent background for menus, invasion messages, button promts, etc. In Dark Souls which is lot of varied of weapons and armors you can challenge your self in many other way.