The project was based on the French AMX 50. I knew it a while ago but forgotTier X Vehicles in Garage: Sheridan, M48 Patton, Jagdpanzer E 100, Grille 15, IS-7, FV215b 183, FV4005, Ho-RiEven if they nerf it into oblivion I’m still really interested in picking it up.

Looks cool and the autoreloader on it should make it fun to play regardless of performance.

My Tortoise went through the upper plate like butter, no problem at all.Tier X Vehicles in Garage: Sheridan, M48 Patton, Jagdpanzer E 100, Grille 15, IS-7, FV215b 183, FV4005, Ho-RiWhile I can’t talk about the tank, keep in mind it was sent to test today.

The tank is not balanced.It has more hull armor than the wz 5a. Even a slight angle upwards and you wouldnt be able to pen it at all. Ein leichtes Chassis wurde gebaut und getestet, daneben wurde eine Attrappe mit Turm gefertigt. In addition, it only has 10 degrees of gun elevation. I wasted time a couple of moments attempting to HE it on the side; then was even more surprised to bounce a AP shell off a flat side from 50m. The Kranvagn refines the Emil II’s top gun by reducing the reload between clips and between shells. Das Projekt für ein neues Fahrzeug der schwedischen Armee wurde 1949 begonnen. It’s turret is ridiculously strong even covering most of the sides. A project for a new vehicle for the Swedish army that started in 1949. Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required on Xbox consoles. Not only that, but when it depresses its gun fully it exposes the weak roof of the turret as it oscillates!

It’s turret is ridiculously strong even covering most of the sides. "" and "World of Tanks", and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming in the USA and other countries. Before you listen to Otirruborez, I’d suggest everyone look at it in Armor Inspector. It looks like an autoreloader. A project for a new vehicle for the Swedish army that started in 1949.

The Kranvagn - despite its recent changes in 1.5, is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to fire power. However, it seems this thing will need some serious nerfing before released. It seems a tad short for a heavy; seems that face hugging can negate some of the turret anglingYou sure? You think the turret becomes “completely invulnerable?” What is “even a small amount” of depression?

New 3D style of customization from WoT 1.7.1 update for the Kranvagn “Hjalpkran” tank - Unhistorical, only for the Kranvagn tank. It still has that new tank smell, and before anyone passes judgement on it, they should wait for a larger set of results. So it will be more exposed when aiming down as well. I'm honestly much more interested in the Emil I and Emil II. Also, I tried shooting the hatch on top, and I damaged his viewport but no did actual damage. It's also capped at 40 kph and doesn't have very good side armor; enough for some auto-bounce angles, but not much more than that. I think the balancing factor of this tank is that it has no armor anywhere else and has some really low dpm. Das Projekt war vom französischen AMX 50 abgeleitet. Aus Geheimhaltungsgründen erhielt das Fahrzeug einen ungewöhnlichen Namen, KRV, was im schwedischen abgekürzt für Autokran steht.

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The "PS" Family logo is a registered trademark and "PS4" is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. "Xbox" and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. Our website uses cookies so that we can provide a better service. Kranvagn Tier 10, Heavy tank. Calm down, man. Yeah looks like a much better version of the 50 B. Crew 102: Moving Crew; Crew 103: Skills and Perks; Crew 104: Min/Max Mastery of Your Crew; Full List of Crew Skills and Perks; On Track Missions. All rights reserved. Like the two previous tanks the Kranvagn is a force to be reckoned with if you are hull down. The project was based on the French AMX 50. The bonus code has been successfully redeemed on your account.

My Tortoise went through the upper plate like butter, no problem at all.Yep. However, none of y'all realize just how uncomfortable it is to sit down on these flimsy plastic seats with "Made in China" emblazoned on them.