Mit jedem Jahr, das vergeht, werden sie weniger menschlich, ihre Körper nehmen mehr und mehr die Eigenschaften von Meereswesen an, bis schließlich sie Teil der Flying Dutchman selbst werden. I wouldn't call it scary, but I am aware I am in space. Comment Report abuse. Just as he finally gained the upper hand in his struggle with Bootstrap Bill, he yet again went for the kill. Proud, cruel, and hateful, Jones was a creature of malice.

Topics. However, he did not tell them that during this time they would go through a painful transmutation turning them into fishmen and after one hundred years they would become a part of the ship itself, like Unlike their captain, the crewmembers could go ashore every time when Jones allowed them to do it. damagetype Normal Calypso gave him the task of guiding the spirits of the dead lost at sea, and Jones accepted the task out of love for her.

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Claw. Bootstrap marked Sparrow with the For the next few months, Beckett had Jones assist in exterminating pirates from the world. As his crew appeared and help in surrounding him, Jones taunted Jack on his ironic situation of being "a lost bird that never learned to fly". At last it came to an end and Jack Sparrow and his ship were dragged down by the Kraken to the Locker. Longsword.

Originally a strength, Davy's literal heartlessness later turned into a weakness after the incidents on Isla Cruces, when his heart was stolen and since then anyone who possessed it was able to "control" Jones by Jones was also implied to have some sort of clairvoyance, despite the two of them not meeting for thirteen years, Jones was well aware that Jack had always introduced himself as Captain Jack Sparrow, also despite putting all the lights out, and being out well out of range of sight, Jones also knew where the Davy Jones was known as a master swordsman, being matched by few others. But a grief-stricken Bootstrap Bill, after regaining his sanity, viciously attacked Jones like a crazed animal. He ordered his crew to kill the East India Trading Company soldiers stationed on the ship only to find that Beckett's second in command, Jones reached Shipwreck Cove and confronted Tia Dalma in the Jones, Beckett, and Will met with the Brethren Court's emissaries––Hector Barbossa, Elizabeth Swann, and Jack Sparrow–on a The fleets of the two sides lined up, and Beckett ordered Jones to attack the While descending the stairs, however, Jones spotted Jack Sparrow, out of the brig, with the chest in hand. As the two lay on the deck desperately gazing at one another, Jones realized that they were in love, and decided to kill Turner to cause Swann pain and anguish. Until the chest is destroyed, Davy Jones is Berserk and cannot fall below 1 HP. Shark Man: Due to being part of Davy Jones' damned crew, he partly mutated into a hammerhead shark.
Like the crab leg and the claw hand, the clothes were covered with Jones had also the power to control and call forth the Some of Jones physical abilities were also enhanced by his position, he was shown to be superhumanly strong several times, most notably during his last battle, with one hand he lifted both Jack Sparrow and Dead Man’s Chest, and did not show much discomfit in performing this act. Multiattack.

A fearsome and ruthless captain, striking terror into the bravest of sailors, Jones became the stuff of various myths and legends of Pirate Lore, particularly relating to the Dutchman and Davy Jones' Locker. Seeing that Jack couldn't stab his heart, Jones laughed at this seeming victory and watched as Elizabeth came next to Will. As COMIDAS mais caras do mundo, é fora do normal Davy Jones. Even after she betrayed him, Jones still loved Calypso, and her name was the last word he ever uttered before his death. Davy Jones invoque le kraken sur le champ de bataille. When the chest disappears Davy Jones heals The energy removal has a chance to fail on enemies above level of healing on cursed enemies instead of the usual 50% block to healing % less energy for each character in this collection on your team. He had an aggressive and offensive style of fighting;In addition to his swordsman abilities, he was also a master seamanEarly concept art of Davy Jones before his transformation.Note that Jones wore his old broadsword attached on the right side, as a Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.