In keeping with our policy of financial transparency, our site houses annual reports dating back to the financial year 1993-1994. 24/7, 365 days a year: Our dedicated Airline Support Teams provide Aircraft

Annual Report 2018. The Group is therefore in intensive negotiations with the governments of its home countries regarding various financing instruments to sustainably secure the Group’s solvency in the near future. Get in touch.

We believe that learning about frequent flyer miles should be as fun as travel itself.Milepoint is now InsideFlyer. The Group expects crisis-related asset impairments and the negative development of the value of fuel hedges to have a further significant negative impact on Group profit in the quarter.

Details will be published in the quarterly financial statement, which has been postponed to the second half of May (originally scheduled to be published on April 30).At present, it is not possible to foresee when the Group airlines will be able to resume flight operations beyond the current repatriation flight schedule.

InsideFlyer is a privately funded venture based in Colorado Springs, CO (affectionally—the House of Miles). Already, one senses things are quickly returning to normal in various sectors, countries. Annual Report 2019 PDF 5 MB Annual Report 2018 PDF 2 MB. In 2016 the Lufthansa Group increased its net profit by more than 30 times to EUR1,698 million. Today we are announcing… In order to secure its strong financial position, the Lufthansa Group has raised additional funds of around 600 million euros in recent weeks. It’s just about over and that should be the positive message sent to the public.

As a result, employee cost per ATK jumped by 7.9%.This struggle to improve labour costs relative to capacity and head count is a perennial issue for the Put another way, each employee generated 3.5% more ATKs and 5.9% more revenue over the period, but cost 20.0% more in 2015 than in 2011.The group plans to accelerate its ASK growth to 6.6% in 2016, after its 2.2% increase in 2015. By business segment, the Passenger Airline Group (which consists of the passenger businesses of ASK growth in 2015 was lower than originally planned due to strikes by pilots over pension issues and the further development of Adjusted for currency, RASK fell by 1.9% in the Americas, less than in any other region and comparing favourably with the 3.0% drop in currency-adjusted RASK for the whole business.
Those have two functions: On the one hand they are providing basic functionality for this website. Lufthansa stellt die Geschäftszahlen des ersten Halbjahres 2020 in einer Analystenkonferenz vor. These cookies are needed for a smooth operation of our website. The travel restrictions implemented as a consequence of the global spread of the coronavirus had a significant impact on the Lufthansa Group’s earnings development in the first quarter of 2020.

Current Investor Presentation July 2020. Dokumente. It will be crowded, so make reservations beforehand.Sicily, Italy’s tourist agency is offering to pay for half of a tourists cost if they visit and holiday on that beautiful, sunny and historic island.
2nd Interim Report January - June 2020. This means full airplanes, hotels, taxis, restaurants.Future holiday bookings in the U.K. are up as Brits plan their vacation escape in the millions from July through the Autumn. Stock markets around the globe have rebounded and stabilized from their March lows and restored confidence in peoples’ financial situation. © Copyright Lufthansa Technik 15.04.2019 Financial news Lufthansa Group’s Adjusted EBIT declines to EUR -336 million in the first quarter 15.04.2019 Ad-hoc release Lufthansa Group’s Adjusted EBIT declines to EUR -336 million in the first quarter .

Lufthansa present first half year figures of 2020 in an Analysts' Conference. “Our intention was never to launch a website, our intention was to build a global brand for frequent flyers.”InsideFlyer was created by travelers, for travelers.