Collect all the tiles you can grab in the upper part of West Ocean Take the rightmost tile of the landing site, only those surrounding the right pillar. You go down pick up morphball and your first missile pack, then climb back, pick up the bombs, and beat the Bomb Torizo.
Super Metroid Category.

The items are listed in the order they are supposed to be obtained, without Sequence Breaking. Take the Big Pink Save, And go defeat Spore Spawn. Das Spielprinzip verlangt immer wieder, an bekannte Orte zurüc… You don't have to grab any tile out of your way, you will go back there. Wie die beiden chronologischen Vorgänger vermittelt auch Super Metroid durch die Isolation der Protagnoistin eine fremdliche und bedrohliche Grundstimmung, die kennzeichnend für die gesamte Serie ist. Head to the missile and energy refill room, pick up the Kraid's save room tile, pick up Kraid e-tank, and go down the elevator to Norfair. In einer Art Terrarium findet sie mehrere vertrocknete und völlig ausgelaugte Gegnerhüllen, die bei der kleinsten Berührung zu Staub zerfallen. Pick the right room tiles, don't grab the missile pack.

Mapo is a category with the purpose of turning all the existing map tiles in pink. Der Spieler kontrolliert Samus aus einer Seitenansicht. Another reason to pick up extra items is to either refill your energy or avoid later farm which would cost more time. You have to leave it and get back in after the escape sequence is toggled. Doch im letzten Moment trifft sie eine von Mother Brains Attacken, die Larve stirbt und gleitet auf Samus nieder. This page is a list of items in the entire Metroid series. You need 100 Items for 100% runs, 73 Items for the No Boss Mini Boss Run, and 14 or 15 items for the low percentage runs. gracias me va a servir mucho por que me lo voy a espesar Back to Crateria, pick up tiles from the save room, map station, and last missiles. Game maps. Beat Crocomire, pick up it's e-tank and wait a bit here, you won't collect the map tile until you croc completely sunk in the acid. Última: 26/07/2012 - 00:43:44 por melvinbrian.

Kurz darauf wird sie von der Metroidlarve angegriffen, die mittlerweile aber auf eine gigantische Größe herangewachsen ist und versucht, Samus' Lebensenergie zu entziehen. N. O P. NintendoMB Newbie.

Escape using the lower door, and go down. 100% Map Completion, aka.

Sofort macht sich Samus auf den Rückweg zur Forschungsstation. This can be made by passing by all the map tiles with the exception of boss rooms, whose are automatically turned pink on the exit. One thing no adventurer leaves home without is a handy map. ¿Hay unos bloques grices en algunos techos que dentro ?tienen una cruz, como los algo caer? The route listed below is the standard "early Crocomire" route.. Absolute trainwreck but I'm happy to complete my first run. Head to Wave Beam, pick it up, grab all the tiles in Double Chamber. Head to the ship and take a refill. Head to the terminator room, pick up the e-tank and take the elevator to green Brinstar.

Juegazo con todas las letras,si senor,aunque hay que dedicarle bastante tiempo y esmero para acabarselo, aun en el debe, lo reconozco,a fecha de hoy. Que recuerdos, me han entrao ganas de volver a jugarlo, peaso de partida, hay que jugar mucho para hacer ese 100%100 del juego Yo siempre saco el 99%, nunca encuentro el el ultimo misil. Category:Items - Wikitroid, the Metroid wiki - Metroid: Other M, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Metroid, and more This TAS video (Tool-assisted speedrun) demonstrates how to complete the game in a record time of "1:08:10.87", using tricks and exploiting glitches. Now the real grind starts! Route. Go to Billy Mays Room, then head towards Big Pink. The record listed above uses a different and more optimal "late Crocomire" route, which requires freezing a Puyo to clip into Shaktool's chamber, due to the lack of Grapple Beam, to access Spring Ball. Climb up Bubble mountain, and go pick up Speed Booster. Enhorabuena, genial tus comentarios y las imágenes de tus logros. Voy a compartir con ustedes este Articulo o Review que yo mismo hice del tercer juego de la Saga gracias me va a servir mucho por que me lo voy a espesar Además de conseguirlo en tiempo récord, te has tomado la molestia de sacar foto a todo. My first completed speedrun of Super Metroid.
Super Metroid Walkthrough 100% Item Locations. Die Spielfigur Samus Aran streift durch die Höhlensysteme des Planeten Zebes, setzt sich gegen die einheimische Flora und Fauna zur Wehr und bekämpft auf der Suche nach dem Baby-Metroid die Weltraumpiraten.

Super Metroid is the third game of the Metroid series (Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Prime, Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Prime 2, Metroid Prime Hunters, Metroid Prime 3, Metroid Other M).

Head to Bubble Mountain, grab all the 6 tiles in both pre-cathedral and cathedral room.

Die Larve fliegt davon, Samus regeneriert sich wieder und trifft bald darauf auf Die Larve betäubt Mother Brain und regeneriert dann Samus' Lebensenergie. Die Larve ist absolut aggressiv und unerbittlich, doch kurz vor Samus' Tod erkennt sie sie wieder und lässt von ihr ab. Head to Crocomire, you may want to farm a bit the bug at the farming spot next to the door if you're really low on hp or ammo. Go pick up the pre-dive farm room tile. ¿Hay unos bloques grices en algunos techos que dentro ?tienen una cruz, como los algo caer? Items Checklist These Checklists are for different runs in the game. Was the world record until June 3 2004.

Jedoch erwacht Mother Brain bald wieder und greift unentwegt die Larve an, bis diese ein weiteres Mal zum Angriff ausholt. This chapter is divided by item types, then by areas. Super Metroid - 100% de los items conseguidos [SNES] Archivado. For specific expansions, see Category:Lists of items by area. Are you totally and utterly lost in the depths of Zebes? Go pick up Highjump Boots, and its e-tank. Climb up the Etecoon shaft, grab the Powerbomb tile, Head back to pink Brinstar. since those are all covered in the main guide. From A complete guide to Super Metroid speedrunning