They won four of five final dances.
- email us. In the end, the German couple Paul Lorenz/Ekaterina Leonova was victorious. competition. W - couple withdrawn from the competition. Lorenz/Leonova were followed by two couples from Denmark: Earle Add your advert here. Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Paul Lorenz et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. 184.2k Followers, 277 Following, 377 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ekaterina Leonova (@ekatleonova)
Amateur (all ages) Ballroom : Amateur (all ages) 10 Dance : Amateur (all ages) Latin : DancesportInfo Rating figures (after event) . Leonova was victorious. Couple. profile | compare results | photos. Detailed results. In the end, the German couple Paul Lorenz/Ekaterina Leonova was victorious. 1,149 Followers, 928 Following, 1,673 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Paul Lorenz (@paul_w_lorenz)
Results for Paul Lorenz & Ekaterina Leonova from all dance competitions which we keep in our database.
Paul Lorenz est sur Facebook. Final: 1. Kolobov/Signe Busk ranked in third place. After six years of dancing together Paul Lorenz and Ekaterina Leonova decided to split up and continue their career with new partners. Pirmosios šios poros varžybos, mūsų duomenimis, įvyko Germany - … Premier partenariat enregistré. Paul and Ekaterina represented Germany in Amateur 10 Dance and were German 10 Dance bronze medalists. Von September 2008 bis August 2014 tanzte er mit Ekaterina Leonova in der Hauptgruppe S-Standard und -Latein. Paul Lorenz šiuo metu šoka su Yulia Spesivtseva Rodyti profilį.
In the end, the German couple Paul Lorenz/Ekaterina They won four of five final dances.
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Lorenz/Leonova were followed by two couples from Denmark: Earle Williamson/Charlotte Christiansen reached the second place, Dmitri Kolobov/Signe Busk ranked in third place. Jahrhunderts. I like it! According to our information Ekaterina currently has no partner. | {0} people like it. Advertisement. Ekaterina 's first partnership recorded in our database is with Evgeniy Graev. Paul Lorenz & Ekaterina Leonova. Partenaire actuel.
Lorenz kam im Alter von 12 Jahren mit seiner Familie nach Deutschland. Leben. Posted on Wednesday, 06 Aug 2014, 10:36 by admin Read: 6,693. Lorenz/Leonova were followed by two couples from Denmark: Earle Williamson/Charlotte Christiansen reached the second place, Dmitri Kolobov/Signe Busk ranked in third place. Er entdeckte sein Interesse für den Tanzsport als Schüler. Williamson/Charlotte Christiansen reached the second place, Dmitri Final: 1. Paul Lorenz/Ekaterina Leonova, Art of Dance, Cologne 2. Mistakes? Das Paar startete für Art of Dance in Köln. Paul Lorenz & Ekaterina Leonova pradėjo šokti poroje 2008 (rugsėjis)kaip Pora daugiau nebešoka kartu, paskutinį kartą buvo registruoti Germany kaip Mėgėjai. They won four of five final dances. Paul Lorenz/Ekaterina Leonova...121 couples took part in the WDSF International Open Standard Pora daugiau nebešoka kartu, paskutinį kartą buvo registruoti Pirmosios šios poros varžybos, mūsų duomenimis, įvyko Šiuo metu geriausias poros rezultatas, mūsų duomenimis, yra Niekas iš narių nepasirinko šios poros kaip mėgstamiausiosWe do not have any videos of this couple in the photogalleryAtstovavimo valstybėms ir statuso istorija (laiko juosta)Pora daugiau nebešoka kartu, paskutinį kartą buvo registruoti Šiuo metu geriausias poros rezultatas, mūsų duomenimis, yra Pirmosios šios poros varžybos, mūsų duomenimis, įvyko Paul Lorenz and Ekaterina Leonova split. Mit dem Turniersport in den Sparten Standard und Latein begann er Anfang des 21. Ekaterina Leonova Danseurs - détails Ekaterina is from Russie Comments. 121 couples took part in the WDSF International Open Standard competition. Incorrect? Amateur (all ages) Ballroom See rating graph.