It's always a good bet to ignore fort armor and go for the highest damage rounds as most targets you encounter will not have fort, and the ones you do will have fleshy parts exposed anyway.
We previously covered the story of M855A1, and Major Glenn Dean’s history of the round’s development, but how does it really perform?
It is suitable for use in most weapons with a 1-in-7 barrel twist.The M855A1 has a copper-jacketed steel core, differing from the previous M855 round which has a lead core. Until we get word from the experts on the 556 NATO, we don't have a definitive answer. If you have an account, It works with the M4 Carbine, the M249 machine gun, and the H&K and M16A2 rifles. The M855A1 EPR is a significantly improved 5.56mm round that provides excellent soft target consistency and vastly better hard target performance, and … However, based on how most of the other ammo types work, the higher speed rounds are going to do more damage to Fort, but not necessarily more damage to flesh. For unarmored targets I personally prefer Mk255 Mod 0 over the 55 HP, because the damage isn't much lower on the Mk255, but it handles far better against armor in case you do run into someone in Fort and the damage at range doesn't fall off quite as quickly. Pull M855A1 bullets are around $1 each M855A1 rounds are about $3 each And according to the research they are superior to M193 and M855, in particular they are designed for use in barrels in the 10-16" range, with faster burning powder and reduced … Though if it were me, I'd choose that M855A1 just in case. Though I think the primary purposes of those latter two are more for barrier penetration than armor penetration.
The M855A1, a 5.56 mm Ball ammunition, is an enhanced performance round for today’s combat and training environments.
Armor Piercing: M995 (Peacekeeper 4, sells out in 30 seconds flat) M855A1 is the Army’s new round; it boasts improved accuracy, penetration, and terminal effectiveness vs. the legacy M855 “green tip” round. Don't know if that's even relevant, just kind of curious about how they've gone about doing it.
Though I think the primary purposes of those latter two are more for barrier penetration than armor penetration. As far as I know, most of the variations of 5.56 should be highly effective against body armor of all sorts, though the M855A1 (green-tip) should be more effective, and the M995 (silver-tip) should be even better. The round yaws like the M855, but its yaw is more consistent and predictable, meaning its terminal effects are not yaw dependant.The Army plans to replace its entire inventory of M855 rounds with the M855A1 round.Have you ever wondered what helicopter pilots carry on them? A British Army Apache AH1 pilot gives us a...Roam Robotics, a small business located in San Francisco, California, has developed a lightweight and inexpensive knee exoskeleton for...ARYSE, a small business, has developed an ankle support that protects the joint as the user moves through rough...Cowboy Barriers, a small business located in Wausau Oklahoma , has developed a portable, interchangeable, quick assembly vehicle barrier...Georgia Army National Guard parachute riggers from the Marieta-based 165th Quartermaster Company answered the call to a mission that...The Navy lacks the shipbuilding and repair capacity to meet the demands of peacetime, much less war, a Navy official said.In addition to the punishments, the Army's 1st Cavalry Division has ordered changes to its driver training program?The fire damaged the icebreaker's starboard propulsion motor, disabling the ship's right shaft and propeller.Textron's Aerosonde HQ, a catapult-launched and net-recovered unmanned aerial system, has been undergoing testing at Yuma.The Hexa is an eVTOL platform that consists of an open cockpit seat surrounded by a honeycomb of small rotors.
You can post now and register later. A group of people from Tarkov Ballistics have put their information on the wiki (although their info is in a different format, and isn't easy to compare armor penetration). AA02 M995 AP 12 AA69 AB56 M855A1 EPR 13 AB57 AB58 AB77 AB73 M856A1 Trace 14 AB74 AA68 M862 SRTA 15 AB66 AB67 M1037 SRTA 16 AC10. Sadly the Tarkov Wiki still hasn't been updated for the latest patch. SMALL personnel targets CALIBER AMMUNITION 8 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for Public Release; distribution is unlimited 5.56 MM SYSTEM CARACTERISTICS ADDITIONAL FACTS M855 Ball Keep your eye on
The Army touts the fact that the M855A1 can penetrate 3/8-inch thick steel at 400 meters and also has “barrier blind” properties. The M993 is a 7.62-mm AP cartridge which provides an AP capability for the M60 machine gun, and the M24 sniper rifle. The M855A1, a 5.56 mm Ball ammunition, is an enhanced performance round for today’s combat and training environments. My personal recommendations are as follows: The M855A1 is a solid copper bullet topped with a 19 grain “stacked cone” alloy steel penetrator tip. The powder burns faster and creates more pressure, and has the effect of reducing flash.