Ride the block up and unlock the door to enter a new section of the temple. Make your way to the left corner, jumping from platform to platform, and step on the switch to free the trapped Goron inside. Reel in the line and once again toss it so it lands near the Hylian Loach and just wait.Once the Loach bits the line, never let go of the A-Button. Should the need arise, you can actually climb off to the side on purpose to avoid being attacked by any of his moves. Located on the Death Mountain Trail, near the entrance to Goron City. You can see where it will emerge from the lava being kicked up from one of the holes (as the fight continues, Volvagia will kick up lava in several different spots before appearing). Cast the line and then reel it in. The Skulltula can be found hiding behind it. You can do so by riding the Magic Bean Plant that has grown, or by playing the Scarecrow’s Song and using the Hookshot. The Fire Temple is located deep within the Death Mountain Crater and is only accessible to Link by use of the Goron Tunic, which is given to him by Darunia's son, Link, in the hopes that he will rescue the other Gorons. Jump to it and push the block off the ledge. Free the Goron here and nab the Be very careful when navigating this room. Enter the brick building near the well, which now houses the shooting gallery. This Goron will only stop to a well-timed bomb explosion, or a direct hit with a Bombchu. Bombs don’t work on these harder ones. Right next to it is that ledge above Dodongo’s Cavern where you threw the Bomb Flower over to open the entrance in the past. After that, return here using the Bolero of Fire. Note that this section is completely optional, so skip ahead to 8.2 to continue onward with the main quest.If you didn’t get this earlier, now’s a good time. Fire walls will appear on both sides of the room, creating a maze. If you broke them, just re-enter the room to make them appear again. Enter to find a flame geyser that fires straight up. Use the Bugs on the soft soil next to the Triforce platform to make a Gold Skulltula appear. In the boulder maze room of the Fire Temple, once you are on the higher level after passing through the room where the fire is chasing you, turn to the right and play the Scarecrow’s Song.

That and the fact that you can hear a Next, follow the wall again, making two rights and you’ll find another door which leads to a small, dark corridor again.

Using the huge block as a platform, jump across and climb the chain covered wall to reach the platforms above. You’ll witness a short cutscene where the platform behind you lowers into the lava, leaving you trapped here alone. These places you can either play the Song of Time to make a Time Block appear, or the Scarecrow’s Song to make Pierre (the other Scarecrow) appear so you can Hookshot to him.There is a Heart Piece that we can collect by the Lakeside Laboratory. Jump on top of the block and wait for the fire to push it up through the roof into a new room. Drop down to the ledge just above the diamond switch. Go through the doorway on the other side of the room.This goal area of this next room is fairly obvious, there is a switch on the ground just up ahead on the left side of the room. This is the room with the Baby Dodongo’s and if you pay close attention, you’ll notice Navi will fly up to a higher ledge and turn green. Once again, there’s a Just outside the Lakeside Laboratory at Lake Hylia, we want to get on top of the building. In either case, run away from shadows.The second attack is to come out of the lava and fly around the arena, trying to breathe fire at you. The Sinking Lure can be found at one of these four locations. Destroy the two Torch Slugs and work your way up both platforms. If you harmed him enough, he’ll change colors, just like the Torch Slugs. There is no easy way to go about this, so take your time, kill the Fire Keese as they approach, and try not to run into too many of the walls. This stuns it, allowing you to take another swipe at it with the Megaton Hammer (or your sword). For a more in-depth description for defeating this boss, see Before leaving Death Mountain Crater, there are a few things you should do.Cross the broken bridge with your Hookshot.

Slide down the board, turn right, and climb up the chain wall to the platform above. The Loach doesn’t move very often, but once it starts moving, there is a chance it might bite at the lure. It’s a nice little gauge to see how much life he has left. Use your Small Key on the locked door to head into the next room. Use a Bomb on it to reveal a hidden door behind it.As soon as the battle begins, this enemy will jump out of the flames and start spinning. Re-enter Dodongo’s Cavern and make your way to the room at the southeast part of the main room. Step on the switch to open the nearby door and speak with the first Goron to free him. Jump across the platforms to reach the prison cell, release the Goron, and obtain another Drop down to the lower level and reenter the room with the firewall.

Next, smash the oddly placed pillar with your Hammer. Use the Travel to the back of the room after you have killed the first two Keese to find another two hanging out at the back. We’ll get to that much later.After he waddles off, be sure to snag the key in the chest, then return to the previous room. Face the direction of the chain fence and jump over to the platform that you can reach in that direction (shown in the screenshot below).You can now climb up to the top of the room but you will find that the fence that you can climb is blocked by some flames. The second dungeon as Adult Link located in the Death Mountain Crater which involves the use of the Goron Tunic and the Megaton Hammer, including the final fight against Volvagia - Part of the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time strategy guide and walkthrough by Jegged.com Drop down and pull the block out even further until it locks in place and then climb on it. You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. Jump straight onto the giant whack-a-mole platform and prepare for the party. Follow the pathway around to find another Goron that you can release from its prison cell and another treasure chest with a Look to the southeast side of the large room to see a platform with another switch on it.