They will spawn in and around their Reliquary room. The total channel time will be split into “checkpoints.” For example, if you Channel for 43 seconds of a total required 90 seconds and die, perhaps 30 seconds of the Channel progression is saved for X amount of time.
Keeping to the tradition, they will be releasing a sieging game mode to the Ashes of Creation Apocalypse. An Attacker who captures a Defensive Control Point will increase the total match time, increase the Defending Teams’ respawn timers, and provide a morale buff to the entire Attacking team upon capturing a Control Point.In order to capture a Control Point, players will interact with the Control Point to Channel the capture. Matches are expected to last thirty to thirty-five minutes. This mode will have a set match duration that can be modified by Control Points captured during the match. We are still testing whether or not we’ll allow you to swap classes in the middle of the match, but for now, we will not be allowing this. After queueing for the Castle Siege Mode, and upon entering the match, you will be brought to a Siege Class selection page where you will be able to see how many of each class has been selected for your side before you make your choice in real time.
Do not get too excited; the easiest part of winning a castle siege was reading that last sentence.
We are aiming for these matches to take anywhere from thirty to thirty-five minutes.After selecting the Castle Siege Mode in the lobby, you’ll be able to select your preferred role of Attacker or Defender. A player elects to be either an attacker or defender.There will be a timeframe for preparation where attackers and defenders take positions and prepare weaponry.In the first phase of battle the attackers attempt to penetrate the walls and gates to gain access to the inside of the Once inside the castle, the attackers need to hold objectives.The ultimate objective of the attackers is to reach the center keep of the castle to channel on the final relic that's present in order to achieve victory.The defenders are attempting to hold out as long as possible, but they can also rush the field to the enemy encampment or headquarters to attempt to damage their ability to siege.Siege weapons available to the defending side include Ballistas and Traps.Ashes of Creation Apocalypse castle siege mechanicsAshes of Creation Apocalypse castle siege mechanics
If a Defender captures an Attacker’s Control Point, the total match time decreases, the Attacker Teams’ respawn time increases, and it also provides a temporary morale buff to the entire Defender’s side. © 2018 Intrepid Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. For example, if the Control Point is closer to the Relic for the Attacking Team, it would take longer. You will be able to lock in your choice and ready up, or you will be assigned to one of the least selected classes if the timer runs out before you have made your choice. We’ll have another post that will go in depth about all of the Siege Classes, but each class will have its own health and armor values, and comes with two weapons - a primary and a secondary, and 5 class skills. Successful winning a Castle Siege grants control over 20% of the world to the Guild Leader of the Guild who successfully captures the Castle Flag. Defenders will also be able to teleport to any Control Points that have been taken.The Defending Team’s goal is to run out the clock while preventing the Attacking Team from capturing their Relic. We will not be limiting class selections, so if you want everyone to be an Engineer, go for it, but we do want to note that team composition will make a big difference, and is very important to the strategy of winning! On January 11, 2019, we showcased our sneak peek of two siege map designs coming to Ashes of Creation Apocalypse soon - Castle Korgan previously owned by the Aelan humans and Castle Milnar constructed by the great Dünzenkell dwarves. Ashes of Creation Apocalypse castle sieges are an Ashes of Creation Apocalypse testing mode that aims to test castle siege mechanics. Trebuchets’ range will be long enough to reach the enemy ballistas from their initial placement points. While it’s a somewhat smaller scale experience than the one you’ll have in the MMO, the overall flow of taking and defending a castle will remain similar.