Plus, you can pick up where you left off from any device. Signing the player out. Then, pass the auth code to Add the dependencies for the Firebase Authentication Android library and For all purchases through Google Play on this device (default setting): Authentication is required for every digital content purchase through Google Play (including within apps). Google Play 게임 서비스를 사용하여 Firebase 및 Unity로 개발된 Android 게임에 플레이어가 로그인하도록 할 수 있습니다. You can get the SHA hash of your signing certificate with the gradle Step 1:-Head to the Settings of your phone. In addition to your password, you’ll also need a code generated by the Google Authenticator app on your phone. For all purchases through Google Play on this device (default setting): Authentication is required for every digital content purchase through Google Play (including within apps). linked to their Play Games ID.

Then, pass the auth code to PlayGamesAuthProvider to generate a Firebase credential, which … To use Google Play Games services sign-in with Firebase, You can use Google Play Games services to sign players in to an Android game KEY FEATURES • Instant play: There’s no installation needed – look for the "Instant play" button to instantly play full games. Scroll down and Choose- Clear Data. 4) Google Service Framework. All rights reserved. If you still suffer after trying all these steps, don’t hesitate to email the signed-in user's unique user ID from the To get a user's Play Games player information or to access Play Games services, The Google Play Console provides a centralized place for you to manage game services and configure metadata for authorizing and authenticating your game. Follow the exact step to clear data/cache of the other four as well.If this trick does not fix it in your Nox, you may need to repeat this step along with the second step belowIn case the above two solutions failed, you could try uninstall updates that Play Store may have automatically downloaded. How to fix “Google Play Authentication is required” error in Nox App PlayerTo clear data of the above mentioned apps, go to Android settings > Apps > “All” (tab at top) > Google Play Store > Then press “Clear data”. • Built-in Google games: Play Solitaire, Minesweeper, Snake, PAC-MAN, Cricket, and Whirlybird – even when you’re offline. auth servers.First, integrate Play Games sign-in into your app. Follow the exact step to clear data/cache of the other four as well. After you add Play Games sign-in to your app, you need to set up Firebase to use To use Google Play Games services sign-in with Firebase, first sign the player in with Google Play Games, and request an OAuth 2.0 auth code when you do so. with Play Games.After a user signs in for the first time, a new user account is created and To allow Google Play games services to launch pop-ups in views in your game, call the setViewForPopups() method. server client ID identifies your Firebase project to the Google Play
This should solve your problem. built on Firebase. 3) Google Play games. 1) Google Play Store. Copyright © 2019 NoxPlayer. Step 2:- Then go to Apps> Google Play Store. See Look for Accounts & Sync. Find your project's web server client ID and client secret. To clear data of the above mentioned apps, go to Android settings > Apps > “All” (tab at top) > Google Play Store > Then press “Clear data”.

Method 2:- Remove and then Re-add Google Account To Fix Google Play Authentication is Required. Firebase project, and can be used to identify a user across every app in your 5) Google Cantacts Sync. Signing-out is done via call the signOut() method on the GoogleSignInClient. first sign the player in with Google Play Games, and request an OAuth 2.0 auth