Fizbin arbeitet auch weiterhin mit bestehenden und neuen Kunden zusammen, so dass immer neue und spannende Spieleprojekte entstehen. Seit 2018 und 2019 insgesamt drei neue Eigenproduktion in der Entwicklung, die 2020 erscheinen sollen. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. What are the most important moments of your life?
August 26th, Cologne – Headup is delighted to announce Lost At Sea for next-gen consoles and PC.The game is currently in development by Studio Fizbin, the critically-acclaimed creators of their beloved The Inner World franchise and the studio behind the 2020 IGF honorable mention Minute Of Islands. Neben eigenen Spieleprojekten entwickelt Studio Fizbin interaktive Spiele-Projekte für Kunden und setzt diese als Gesamtpaket um. The game is currently in development by Studio Fizbin , the critically-acclaimed creators of their beloved The Inner World franchise and the studio behind … Fizbin offers one out of three deputies to represent interest of over 51 independent developers.

With this project Studio Fizbin won the “German Computer Games Award” for the second time as “Best Innovation 2014”. About Studio Fizbin. Mittlerweile hat Studio Fizbin einen weiteren Standort in Berlin und ist Mitbegründer der Indie-Kollektive „Saftladen“ in Berlin und „Kokolores“ in Ludwigsburg. Lost At Sea is a game about life. Studio Fizbin wird also noch einige Geschichten erzählen werden. The Inner World - Der letzte Windmönch Trailer YouTube The Inner World - Story Trailer YouTube Die App mit dem Elefanten Trailer YouTube Spiel des Friedens Trailer YouTube Opera Maker Trailer Vimeo ABC - ein Webclip zu Bibliotheken YouTube And the more we experience, the more we know and remember – the more the fear of death loses its power.Set on a beautiful island, where every biome represents a phase of life, you will explore your surroundings and solve riddles to reclaim your memories, while the fear of death is hunting you, trying to take you to the other side before you have tasted life.

Headup Games and Studio Fizbin have announced that Lost at Sea is coming to the PS5 and Xbox Series X in addition to the previously-confirmed PC version of the game.

What are the most important moments of your life?Your email address will not be published. Die erste Veröffentlichung fand im April 2016 statt, weitere große Updates folgten und sind geplant. Fizbin has co-founded two indie collective spaces, the “Saftladen” in Berlin and the “Kokolores” in Ludwigsburg, where creative individuals come together at one place.
So wurde für das Landesmuseum in Münster die einzigartige Spieleinstallation „Spiel des Friedens“ entwickelt, welche eine weitere Auszeichnung des „Deutschen Computerspielpreis“ als „Beste Innovation 2015“ einbrachte.

Ende 2017 wurde für den TV-Sender „Kika“ die „Kikaninchen-App“ produziert und veröffentlicht.

They strongly focus on story-based games and interactive apps with exciting, original and unique characters, worlds and tales.

Fizbin’s adventure won several awards like “Best German Game” of the “German Computer Games Award 2014”. If you have specific requests, please do We cover every facet of digital gaming eSports, live streaming, console, handheld, PC, virtual reality, alternate reality, augmented reality, mobile gaming and any products associated with these categories.SUMMONERS WAR CHAMPIONSHIP 2020 BEGINS THREE-MONTH LONG TOURNAMENTTAIKO NO TATSUJIN: RHYTHMIC ADVENTURE PACK IS SET TO TAKE PLAYERS ON A ONE-OF-A-KIND RHYTHMIC RPG ADVENTUREWe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 2 talking about this.

The game is currently in development by Studio Fizbin, the critically-acclaimed creators of their beloved The Inner World franchise and the studio behind the 2020 IGF honorable mention Minute Of Islands. Fizbin’s first original IP, the point and click adventure “The Inner World” was released on PC, Mac, iOS, Android, PS4, Xbox One as well as on Nintendo Switch. The studio is a member of “game”, the federation of German games industry. Studio Fizbin is an Independent Games Studio located in Ludwigsburg and Berlin, Germany.

Boilerplate Studio Fizbin ist ein deutsches Independent-Games-Studio in Ludwigsburg und Berlin, das von Sebastian Mittag, Alexander Pieper und Mareike Ottrand gegründet wurde.

No matter who we are or where we come from, these are the things that make life worth living for all of us. „The Inner World“ erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, darunter den „Deutschen Entwicklerpreis“ und den „Deutschen Computerspielpreis 2014“ als „Bestes Deutsches Spiel“. But death is inevitable, to be afraid of it doesn’t make sense. Facebook Twitter Headup is delighted to announce Lost At Sea for next-gen consoles and PC.

And we are all afraid that something will take these things away or take us away, before we have experienced every single bit of it.