series. He has spiky, dark blue hair and black eyes. Male. Grey Fullbuster) is a member of Fairy Tail and one of the four main characters of the series Fairy Tail. In seguito allo scontro con Leon sull'isola di Galuna, acquisisce una cicatrice sulla parte sinistra della fronte; una seconda a forma di X se la procura dopo essersi battuto con Urrutia sull'isola Tenro e una terza se la procura dopo essersi battuto con Invel dell'impero Alvarez. Ship.

On the MBs. This was made clear when he saw Deliora's corpse years after the events, to which all of his previous memories rushed to him. He and Natsu have a friendly rivalry, and while they can often be seen fighting one another verbally or physically, the two are actually quite concerned about each other. Gray is a tall man with a muscular and toned body, despite his age. Grey Fullbuster) is a member of Fairy Tail and one of the four main characters of the series Fairy Tail. Znak gildii znajduje się poniżej obojczyka po prawej stronie. Jade's.

Original Fandom. He is a fierce defender of Fairy Tail and a bit of a wild card at times. Gray was from a village up in the North, but the entire village was destroyed by the Demon, Deliora. Mashima ipotizzava inizialmente un'entrata in scena del personaggio di Gray all'interno dell'opera Commentando il doppiaggio dell'arco narrativo dedicato alla battaglia con la gilda oscura Tartaros nella serie animata, il Alla sua prima apparizione, Gray è un diciottenne dai capelli scuri spesso mostrato a torso nudo con indosso solo dei pantaloni scuri.

He is very concerned about his comrades and is truly loyal towards his guild, but tends to trash talk every now and then. Od czasu misji na Wyspie Galunajego czoło zdobi blizna przykryta częściowo przez grzywkę. Gray was quite obstinate and reckless when he was younger, but over time, he has attained a more cautious attitude towards life, and deals with problems carefully.

His guild mark is on his left pectoral, right underneath his collarbone and is dark blue. Gray possiede un corpo magro ma muscoloso, i suoi occhi sono di blu scuro e i capelli di colore nero anche se nell'anime li rappresentano di colore blu. Storm Fullbuster (ストーム・フルバスター Sutōmu Furubasutā) is a Fairy Tail Mage and the first child of Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser. Consequently, Gray is very foolhardy when it comes to such situations, having resorted to nearly using One of Gray's most significant traits, stemming from his internal darkness, would be his lack of ethical and moral concern when it comes to his objectives. He appeared in the 124th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Gray VS Esdeath, where he fought against Esdeath from the Akame ga Kill! One of the guild's stand-out characters is Gray Fullbuster, an ice-making mage. Eye Color: Dark Blue Hair Color: Black Status: Alive Powers and Abilities: Class: Attack Potency: Small Town level, Small City level at his peak Speed: Hypersonic+. He has dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and muscular.Unlike almost all other characters, Gray does not consistently wear the same type of clothes (that is, when he Still, his most consistent pieces of clothing are his necklace, which resembles a sword with a stone in it, a metal bracelet and a chain which is attached to the belt loops on the right side of his pants.Gray has a laid-back personality, but will get serious when the time calls for it.Gray casting Ice-Make Unlimited: One Sided Chaotic DanceFairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 58, Pages 4-6Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 29, Pages 5-6Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 58, Page 6Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 58, Page 5Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 58, Page 4Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 58, Pages 7-9Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 33, Page 3-9Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 33, Pages 3-8Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 33, Pages 2-6Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Gray's most prominent feature is his spiky midnight black hair that is brushed away from his forehead, save for the few strands that go down his forehead. Często jednak możemy go spotkać w biał… Er war der einzige Überlebende seiner Familie, den Ull und ihr damaliger Schüler Lyon fanden.

He has dark blue eyes, and his body is tall, toned and muscular with broad shoulders.

Gray's most prominent feature is his spiky black-colored hair. Given the experiences he has had with people being lost in his life, Gray is quite pessimistic whenever it comes to the relationships he has with other people. He's a big brother of Ice Fullbuster.