This is particularly the case for children over the age of 14. setting up a VPN) at Members of the university can use "UR Chat", Universität Regensburg's collaboration platform, for everyday teamwork in home office, short messages and exchanging files. Where possible, use video or telephone conferences instead. We ask you to only scan individual chapters or pages (not whole books) and to keep your stay as short as possible. Further test stations can be found at Munich central station and Nuremberg central station.The medical certificate must be in German or English. Printing Service. Those arriving by car are supposed to be tested within 72 hours after entry to Germany. Please follow the signposts. It has to be based on a molecular biological test that was carried out no more than 48 hours before entering the Federal Republic of Germany in a member state of the European Union or another country listed by the Robert Koch Institute. If you are unsure which email address to send your mail to, please use the general email address of the administration: For questions on re-enrollment amongst other things, please find information and contact data on the All CIP pools are closed with immediate effect. The number of spaces is still limited in accordance with the hygiene regulations. This means that as a basic principle employees who are pregnant can work once more on the university campus - subject to the normal regulations in place and the measures determined for health and safety at work (resulting from the risk assessment including efficacy checks).In individual cases, it may still be necessary to prohibit working on campus should the risk assessment show that health and safety measures cannot guaranteed safety for such work on campus; and should working exclusively from home office not be possible.It is necessary here to create a risk assessment for the work of the person who is pregnant or extend the current risk assessment to include the corona virus.Supervisors who are affected are asked to send on the results of their Due to the cancellation of normal child care in daycare centers and schools, many parents at UR have the challenge of trying to care for their children at home while they simultaneously have tasks to complete in their studies or in research and teaching. Provided the need has been shown, the aid of up to 500 euro will be credited to the account of the applicant.Further information and FAQs on the bridging aid can be found on the website of the student services: Due to the cancellation of normal child care in daycare centers and schools, many parents at UR have the challenge of trying to care for their children at home while they simultaneously have tasks to complete in their studies. The entrances to the relevant buildings (PT building, and Recht- und Wirtschaft) are, therefore, also open until 20:00.Since July 9, 2020, students can lend books from reading rooms Recht 1 and 2 only for the day, as the literature of the Department of Law has to be available to all students in order to be able to prepare for the upcoming term and seminar papers.All reading rooms in the departmental libraries are open again for UR students and staff.Since July 9, 2020, students can lend books from reading rooms Recht 1 and 2 only for the day, as the literature of the Department of Law has to be available to all students in order to be able to prepare for the upcoming term and seminar papers.Books from the general reading room and the special collection (Sonderbestand) with bookmarks starting 55 (indicating the Reclam collection in PT) can be ordered via the online catalog and are then collected from and returned to the contact-free counter in the Central Library.Scanners are available in some reading rooms.