32 mm (can penetrate the plating of same-tier battleships) Deck: 27 mm 7. Tout est dans le titre, dans quelle mesure les 130mm russes beneficieraient ils de l IFHE? So I'll just take advantage of the reset. Up to 357 mm, off the plating In fact, very few tech-tree lines benefit from IFHE since mid-tiers to top tier.
Furthermore, the thickness of the armor plating that covers the fore and aft ends, as well as the superstructures of certain cruisers has been brought to the generally established values applied to ships of their respective tiers and types. You are not a frontline brawler, so don't try to play like one. Changes to the thickness of the fore- and aft-end plating: Up to 429 mm, off the central part As well as the managers that approve all these balancing and such.
The 16 km range feels a little bit too short but the IFHE shells can do consistent 4k ~ 7k damage per salvo on some lightly armored cruisers.From my limited battles (3) in it. Sorry... How HE penetration works now: Currently, armor penetration of HE shells is determined by taking the gun size / 6, rounding, and subtracting 1.
Basically it should never have had that stupid bow in the first place. You're not an anti-air cruiser after all. The reason behind increasing this value is that the 100 mm shells of Japanese ships always acted in a similar manner to the 152 mm shells of Tier VIII–X cruisers in terms of their armor-penetration capabilities. Gascogne - MAYBE if you brawl often with Gascogne.
Edit: T8 CL will work as intended and pen TX CA tho.
Hello more BB sniping. Up to 386 mm, off the plating
Since i'm a CV main myself the news made me stop playing since they made me quite…2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. It has -- Shall we say -- "Eased my mood" a bit. Another point is that with fire prevention on us and japan battleships, the increased fire chance often is not worth it due to getting fast 2 fires in mid ships if they do not with both.Also the fire on the bow is more easy to get with IFHE then without due to fire chance to be half when not penning with shells.Furthermore if a cruiser is going front at you like kutuzov with 26mm armor then you simply NEED IFHE to do any damage worth speaking of.. I suppose I could have just "TL-DR" - if German with 105mm at tier VII+, sure, otherwise Also No." Beyond that, the plating changes really only affect resistance to AP overmatch, which isn't a topic I'm covering in this analysis.See the full text of the dev blog post with the link below:reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/f1rgjt/changes_to_ifhe_and_plating/The GK will no longer need IFHE to penetrate 32 mm plating.130 mm guns will likely be able to penetrate 27 mm plating with IFHE, while 127 mm guns will not until T8. It seems tempting, but problem is that the two good Ruski captains I have currently are intended for the Moskva and the DD line which both need other builds.You would need to keep one of the cruisers and make a captain for that, f.e. [LEOND]
Nevsky, to IFHE or not to IFHE.
Deck: 25 mm However, signal flags and commander skill bonuses will not be affected by the fire chance reduction. Plus I still start a lot of fires.but has anybody a clue if its any good on the donskoi?If there aren't any better skills, IFHE is a good idea, though imo that is a bit overkill.If there aren't any better skills, IFHE is a good idea, though imo that is a bit overkill.Why would you even have a captain trained for a premium ship??? ∞ One with IFHE with demolition expert and one without IFHE but also with demolition expert Could not get traning battle to work but tried out in random and co-op battle. IFHE still viable for German BBs/secondaries build BBs but essentially nerfed as the fire chance has gone down.