Although it was in many ways an innovative design, it was never accepted for mass production due to its cumbersome size and the very impractical layout of its fighting compartment.

If they are pointing low then you will be taking damage since they are aiming at your lower glacis and if they are aiming high then most likely they are aiming around your gun where the armor is flat. To make the penetration feel even more inadequate at times is a 0.4 overall accuracy value with a 3.4 second aiming time. It's not fast and delivers mediocre damage while being hard to kill due to its heavily sloped front armor.

While it's potentially high damage output can seem quite formidable, the gun itself is largely inaccurate, has a rather long aiming time, takes a while to load, and is actually much less effective than it seems. Unfortunately the IS-7 suffers from poor terrain resistance that makes it just as mobile as a T110E5 since it struggles to move around unless it is going downhill. The Soviet Army's armoured vehicle directorate was very unhappy about the vehicle's weight for two reasons. On the other hand its poor gun handling, poor gun depression, and large frontal glacis weak spot make it difficult to master.

If fighting in an urban environment with many street corners that force you to turn to shoot you opponent, it's advised that you bait them into shooting your thick and spaced side armor by sidescraping, then returning fire as they reload. When fighting one at an angle, prefer its flatter front armor sections than is angled side armor, or shoot the sprocket, dealing damage and throwing off the track. The IS-7 rewards players who can cover up its flaws since itis only held back by a few issues that can be looked over with a bit of planning.The IS-7 equips the 130mm S-70 gun which packs a punch with 490 damage per AP/APCR round.

Or if your weak lower hull exposes to enemy fires, try to wiggle or shake it so that it's harder to penetrate. This only works against tanks with less than 490 alpha since it requires the difference in damage for each round to give you the leg up on them.Alternatively you can fall back onto the IS-7’s armor to force their rounds to do no damage to you or for the enemy to stop shooting at your tank. Whether the IS-7 performs well comes down to its driver since this tank relies upon its driver to position it correctly and to recognize its shortcomings. This can even sometime bounces tier X TD's shots. By 1948, the IS-7 heavy tank was developed. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. If the enemy then raises their gun up, straighten your tank out to make them bounce off of your strong upper glacis, and if they keep aiming low keep the frontal armor angled. Having the right setup could mean anything from cameras, laptops, microphones, tripods and the list goes on.

This is a balancing factor since without it the IS-7 would be as fast or faster than many mediums, have fantastic armor, and a hard hitting gun. If fighting in an urban environment with many street corners that force you to turn to shoot you opponent, it's advised that you bait them into shooting your thick and spaced side armor by sidescraping, then returning fire as they reload. For a full weak spot guide for the IS-7 you can follow the link below that will give you effective armor values and break downs of the entire tank.The downside of needing to point at the enemy is that the primary weak spot of the IS-7 is at its weakest when doing so.
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Penetration … The IS-7 when played right can soak up a ton of damage for your team while also helping to push the enemy backwards without taking much damage in return. ISU-152K Incoming & Progetto 65 NerfsInterested in the IS-7 and Russian tanks?

Otherwise the IS-7 is on par with many other heavy tanks as far as speed goes but the high top speed opens up options other heavy tanks cannot do.Small miscellaneous attributes can make or break a tank and it can be difficult to know these stats without playing the tank.

The frontal armor scheme is a piked nosed design like the IS-3 meaning that most of your frontal armor is at its strongest pointing directly at the enemy tank firing at you.