She goes to get a drink from the mini bar, but finds nothing. She is portrayed by Yael Grobglas. Emilio invites Luisa to Luisa, Emilio, and Rose are sitting together at The Marbella. El 8 de enero de 2017, se renovó por una cuarta temporada, que debutó el 13 de octubre de 2017. La serie sigue a Jane Villanueva, una joven trabajadora latina religiosa cuyo voto de salvar su virginidad hasta el matrimonio se rompe cuando un médico erróneamente la insemina artificialmente durante un chequeo.

The next day, Emilio introduces Rose as his girlfriend at a family dinner, shocking Rose and Luisa who thought they'd never see each other again. Rose tells Luisa that what happened before was a mistake and that it won't happen again, but Luisa is unconvinced. This leads to them having sex on the bed. Luisa, who had been enjoying her stay at the mental hospital and had made a friend out of her roommate Betty, is understandably upset when Rose visits her. They hit if off instantly and, wanting to have some alone time, they went to a pool. Rose, Emilio, and Rafael along with a therapist and two bodyguards, surprise Luisa later in a hotel room. They kiss for the first time as fireworks go off behind them, which leads to making love in the pool. Luisa still wants to come clean and threatens to tell Emilio about their affair if Rose doesn't. ZUM GUIDE. Following their rendezvous, Luisa attends a tense family dinner with her father and brother the next night, and Rose walks in, introduced as Emilio's date.Later, Rose brings coffee for Luisa at her office where she is staring at a bottle of alcohol.

Rose tells Luisa that she was the only real thing in her life and then asks Luisa to run away with her. Rose tells Luisa that she feels terrible about what she did to her. Rose says that Luisa's been having sexual fantasies about the two of them, which causes Luisa to get angry, almost attacking Rose. She tells him to tell Rose that if she wants Luisa to wait, she should send her powdered donutsLuisa is devastated, but after some time decides to pursue her growing feelings for Susanna. Luisa replies, saying that they'll just have to enjoy it while they can.

Rose lies and convinces Rafael and Emilio that Luisa is mentally unstable, knowing they'd take her word over Luisa's. Rose is worried, but Luisa says that every time she doesn't drink she feels better about herself.
To lure them to Miami, Rafael leaves Luisa a message saying he is sick with cancer again and she immediately comes back. She becomes suspicious and worried, so she visits Luisa at the psychiatric ward to gain more information. Rose confesses that she was worried about Luisa. Die Serie dreht sich um die junge, religiöse Latina Jane, die versehentlich künstlich befruchtet wird, obwohl sie noch jungfräulich ist. Rose laughs and tells Luisa to go get some. Luisa angrily tells Rose to leave. She gets a call from Rose who apologizes for killing Emilio and admitting her into a mental institution. In 2010, Rose and Luisa meet at a bar and instantly connect. They talk, take a walk and make love several times in a pool under the 4th of July fireworks. She also brings up a previous sexual encounter before the show in Fort Lauderdale and how they ate powdered donuts from the vending machine. Rafael, It's revealed that Rose and Luisa first met five years ago at a lesbian bar on the 4th of July. Luisa buys from donuts from the vending machine in the hallway when she sees Emilio going to his room. As they arrive at the hotel the police arrest 'Eileen' for Scott's murder and unmasks Sin Rostro.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Luisa closes her eyes as a tear rolls down her cheekLuisa returns back to the Marbella and explains that she'd visited her ashram in Peru to get over RoseMichael, Rafael, and Jane visit Luisa to get the dragonfly broach she took from Rose, who stole Finding out that Rose is Elena's step-daughter comes a great surprise to Luisa. El 11 de enero de 2015, la serie se renovó para una segunda temporada.