Can shoot Lego Targets, use a Grappling hook and has a Lightsaber. LEGO Star Wars Force Awakens - character list and unlock guide How to unlock all 200+ characters, from Admiral Ackbar to Yoda. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Can access Resistance Missions, use Resistance Termimals and use a Grappling Hook. Like any title in the series, LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens has Here is a list of every single character you can play as, and what mission, And remember, you can only use a character in a certain mission once you've finished it in Free Play mode, so get playing the story and each side-mission as usual before you can jump back in with your favourites.If you're a fan of LEGO games in general, then we have other cheats pages, including Make your way through the full list and you can sit back with a sense of deep satisfaction, knowing that very few other players will have the stamina to submit to Pokémon-style mania and fill up what is surely the most intimidating character-unlock screen of any Lego game and, possibly, any game full stop. Can access Resistance Missions, Command Troops and use a Grappling Hook. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time. Can plug into Staff Sockets, Command Troops and use a Grappling Hook. When not doing that, he's out and about playing Pokémon Go or continuing to amass his amiibo collection.Comments for this article are now closed. Can destroy Silver Lego bricks, walk in Toxic Gas and shoot Lego Targets. New games | Panels | Let's Plays | Industry Insight | Esports tournaments | Livestreams Tabletop gaming | Exclusive merch | More! Cartoon Violence, Comic Mischief, Mild Language, Cartoon Violence, Comic MischiefCan accept Resistance Missions, destroy Silver Lego Objects, use Resistance Terminals, use Strength Handles and bypass Toxic Gas.Can accept Resistance Missions, destroy Silver Lego Objects, use Resistance Terminals and use Strength Handles.Can use First Order Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas, has a Lightsaber and use a Grappling Hook.Can use First Order Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and use a Grappling Hook.Can use First Order Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and use a Grappling Hook.Can use First Order Terminals, accept First Order Missions, can shoot Lego Targets and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept First Order Missions, use First Order Terminals and shoot Lego Targets.Can accept Resistance Missions, Command Troops and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Resistance Missions, Command Troops and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can use Dark Side Force Powers, accept First Order Missions and use First Order Terminals.Can use Dark Side Force Powers, accept First Order Missions and use First Order Terminals.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and shoot Lego Targets.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept Scavenger Missions, use Agility Blocks, climb Lego Walls.Can accept Scavenger Missions, use Agility Blocks, climb Lego Walls and use Staff Sockets.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Agility Blocks, climb Lego Walls.Can accept Resistance Missions, use Agility Blocks, climb Lego Walls and use a Lightsaber.Can accept First Order Missions, use First Order Terminals and Command Troopers.Can accept First Order Missions, use First Order Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can accept First Order Missions, use First Order Terminals and shoot Lego Targets.Can accept First Order Missions, Command Troopers and bypass Cold Areas.Can accept First Order Missions, use First Order Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.Can scan for Hidden Objects, use Strength Handles and shoot Lego Targets.Can accept Scavenger Missions, use Strength Handles and shoot Lego Targets.Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can accept Resistance Missions, can bypass Cold Areas and bypass Toxic Areas.Can accept Resistance Missions, can bypass Cold Areas and bypass Toxic Areas.Can break Cracked Lego walls, can bypass Cold Areas and bypass Toxic Areas.Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can accept Resistance Missions, can bypass Cold Areas and bypass Toxic Areas.Can use Access Hatches, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can use Astromech Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can use Astromech Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can use Astromech Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can use Astromech Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can use Astromech Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.Can accept Scavenger Missions, can bypass Cold Areas and bypass Toxic Areas.Can accept Resistance Missions, Command Troopers and use a Grappling Hook.Unlocked after winning the Dejarik Minigame on the Millennium Falcon.Unlocked after winning the Dejarik Minigame on the Millennium Falcon.Can destroy Cracked Lego Objects and use Strength Handles.Unlocked after winning the Dejarik Minigame on the Millennium Falcon.
All Rights Reserved. Can access Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and scan for Hidden Objects. Thanks for taking part!
Can shoot Lego Targets and use a Grappling Hook. This site © 2020 Gamer Network Limited. By a lot, we mean over 200! Just don't think too much about how the next two games will have just as many characters in, though...Matthew edits guides and other helpful things at