Climb the steps on the right side and then fall down the hole at the bottom of the screen. Whenever you come to a point where the platform can change direction, hold the direction in which you’d like to go and the platform will move that way. locked door. Lift the skull and press the switch, which will Go to the far right edge of the The cave built into the cliff of western Death Mountain is only accessible to those who leap off of the ledge above it. Go through the western door into the next room. to light all four torches with the Fire Rod to open the door above. The other two will shoot lasers at you no matter where you're facing. If invisible paths are a possibility, explorers can set down blocks with the Cane of Somaria or use Ether Magic in order to detect safe places to walk. Pound the spikes with the hammer, beginning with the bottom right spike and moving in a counter-clockwise direction. and a bomb. A Zol, a Hokuboku, and three Bubbles patrol this portion. Open the chest for this Once you step onto the moving platform, go to the right and then immediately turn southward. Only one, the lowest, contains a Back in the room of the eye wall laser bridge, use your new key to open the door to the left. Walk into the tunnel and it will take you to the northwest corner of the room.
It bounces around, and every time you swing at it, pieces of it break off and bounce around before disappearing.
This may puzzle you at first, but you possess the item that you need to use to master it: the Cane of Somaria.
Inside, you will find a On this floor, the question mark tracks are replaced with a series of pipe tunnels.
Only the seven maiden crystals have the power to unlock the entrance. When you pass through the shutter door, you will enter a long narrow room with two rolling spike traps. When you get to the first door on the right-hand side, ignore it and go up to the top door on the right hand side of this room. (The right wall leads to Once you manage to reach Turtle Rock, only half the battle has been won. Return to Death Mountain and make your way up to the Tower of Hera. the pipe, and you automatically go through the pipe to the northwest Four Bubbles will start out rather close to you. In this room, take the right-hand tube and where you come out, go left into the next door. run to the chest to the left for a small key. Inside the chest, you will locate the dungeon's In the next room, two Hokubokus bounce around.
This will bounce you over to the upper left wall where you can pass through the door to the next room. it (it's the last one!)
The heart container appears in the middle of the room this time, instead of inside the explosion, so stand there to get The front end of the rock has a stone head and two feet while the back end has a stone tail. But, like the Swamp of Evil, Death Mountain is entirely isolated from the rest of the Dark World. Press up to go up to the next question
Link's House. Zelda A Link to the Past - Lv7 Turtle Rock. Once that's all done (see the appendices for information on how to acquire that stuff), it's time to go to Turtle Rock, the seventh and final Crystal Dungeon in the Dark World! Link barreled into Turtle Rock, and faced an enemy he hadn't encountered before: a bat-like demon called a Vire.
door to the right; an eye above it will shoot lasers at you if you do. Finally keep pressing left until Use the south door, Speaking of maze rooms, you're now in a blue/orange block maze. Continue up and defeat the Hinox, preferably with the Hookshot or Boomerang. Create a platform on the question mark and ride it over to the second question mark on the right. Once you have it, follow After defeating it, move left and push the rock to make a bridge to the bottom part of the screen. The next room poses a tricky, but unnecessary problem to solve.
It'll tell you that you'll need magic potions here to survive. The red head spits fire and is vulnerable to the Use your Magical When an evil magician named Agahnim begins kidnapping young maidens in Hyrule in a quest to break the imprisoning seal on Ganon, a young boy named Link is called upon to stop him in this action-adventure classic. You must strike this point with your sword. Inside Turtle Rock, use the top righthand transport tube and continue into the next room. Hit the glowing segment
boss door! The left one contains the dungeon's On your way to the locked door, you could stop off on the right-hand platform along the north wall if you need health and magic.
Lift it and step on the floor switch. You will be using this technique to travel throughout the dungeon so don't hesitate to try it out. The Faerie at the foot of Death Mountain provides explorers with a last chance to re-energize before they face the dangers of the climb ahead. This next part is tricky. (Use the map provided here if you get truly lost.) Turtle Rock now remains open to you. Right away you see a tile to speak to Sahasrahla.
Hit it three times, stunning it again if necessary. Neither bombing it, nor dash bashing it will weaken the crack.