We hope you\'ll enjoy the balance since we\'ve worked for more then two years with 3rd Classes now... Max Level: Base 255/Job 120 (Pre-Renewal / 2-2 Trans)

© GTOP100.COM - 2020. We are on open beta! Class Change, Soul System, Monster Hunter, Treasure Caches, Over 400 custom headgears, Warper & @warp, Buffer/Healer, Weapon Evolution, Daily Rewards, Automated Events and much more features. Card: Normal 20%, MVP 10%, Restringidas 5%.♠️ Rebirth.RO 1000+ Hats many Custom Instances New renewal 3rd jobs Rebellion - Kagerou - Oboro server named Thor 200/200/20 Two classic servers: Loki 100/100/20 and Eir 5/5/3 1000+ players online 100,000+ active players 100 secure website Free Pokemon pets 24/7 uptime Active WoE and BG Max Stats: 500 • Godly Items: Disabled Third Job: Pre-Renewal Server, Rates: 50k/50k/5k, Max Stats: 500/120. Item/Card Drop Rates: ??? ???? Join and play Ragnarok Online. ???

???? • Client: Maximum of 1 ... - 3x Exp/3x Job/2x Drop Normal Monster/1x Drop Boss Monster. ???? Server Rates: ???

InsightRO is a pre-renewal Ragnarok private server. Instances online. We focus primarily on renewal gameplay with little to none customisations to provide a fair and balanced game for everyone! I like this artwork very much. Come and join us at IjjiRO and let\'s get r... 20x droprates! - Stable Server 24/7 Online - Friendly commun... I like this artwork very much.This is a longer comment. - Gepard 3.0 Anti-Cheat Server Rates: List of all the private RO servers on RateMyServer.Net. DarkRO Rebirth is a unique free to play Private Ragnarok Online 255/100 High-Rate server fused with Star Wars experience. Rates: This is a longer comment. ⚔️ ⚔️ Fenix Force Ragnarok ⚔️ ⚔️ Gem System, Wing Forge System, Materia System, Charm System. Exp Rates : Base: 1000x/ Job:1000x
???? Ragnarok Online private servers ranked by most popular.

?GUILD PACK DISPONIBLE✅ Trademarks are the property of their respective owners, all sites listed are added by users. 100x/100x/25x - Stable/Lagfree/Balanced - Since 2009, no wipes - Ep 16.2 - Great GMs and Players - Many Minigames - WoE/BG/PvP Intesnse - Daily Quests - Most close to official renewal gaming. Rates: 10000x10000x1000 - Máx Lvl. Werde Teil der 40 Millionen Spieler starken Online Community von Ragnarok Online, dem meistgespielten free-to-play Fantasy MMORPG für PC aller Zeiten, jetzt auf Deutsch. MVP boss Drop rates: Common: ... Immerse in to the Ragnarok world where you experience level grinding,Tons of quests that can be done, and all donations are obtainable thru quests, a very... So, what are you waiting for? Rates 1000/1000/300/50/50x Shadow gears implemented. Gepard Shield 3.0 protected ??? With custom drop rates, a fully customized achievements & titles system, and tons of quests, we strive to offer a unique PvM experience not normally found in super high rates. Max Level 99/70 Original Game play Wonderland Ragnarok online is a dedicated private … An upgrade and a closer comparison to the famous and most successful private server released on 2005. Check our server out and let\'s make it to the top ! JOIN US ???? ????

Join now! Base/Job Lvl: 500/120 Ragnarok Online Server in Germany. Max Stats: 255 - Max Level: 99/50 Basic Information: ?PROXIMAMENTE ONLINE✅ Staying close with the official setting. No Miniboss and MVP cards

- Play to Win. With 7 additional maps where you and your friends can hang out, including the beautiful floating city of Juno, the City of Wisdom. Join us! CALLING ALL HIGH RATE PLAYERS! Mini Boss Card: 2% Drop Rate

A High Rate Private Server that everyone can enjoy. A Midrate server Pre-Renewal up to trans class with rates of 75x75x20x and a lot of unique modification for enjoyment and to prevent destroying the economy.Come and join us Top 100 Privat Server die in Germany gehostet werden, füge Deinen Ragnarok Online Server hinzu und mach Werbung bei uns. Choose server from low rate, mid rate, high rate and super high rate!

This is a longer comment. • Official Job Change Quest

Ragnarok Online Classic, a competitive ragnarok online community. ???? Welcome to NeutrumRO, we are a team of developers with dedication and love for the mechanics that drive NeutRO and the skills behind it. ???????? New Ragnarok Online Server hosted in Singapore datacenter to provide low latency and high bandwidth.
First server with Ragnarok Zero mechanism. Guild Package ???????? Not like other private servers, they are imbalanced and unstable.

- Max ASPD: 190. A 2-slotted server that\'s been custom built to offer a blend of the traditional RO feel and the fast-paced SHR experience.