If you can’t escape to cover or turn to save a weakened side or better utilise one of your cannons, you’re already as good as dead.Similarly combat roles matter more for ships than they do for tanks in Ground Forces. He joined PCGamesN way back in 2015, and he’ll fight anyone who disagrees with him over SEO best practices. The sticky throttle also makes peaking tactics tricky to pull off, particularly as the transition from forward motion to reversing and back again can be very time-consuming. In Ground Forces, where tanks are often destroyed by a single well-placed shot lone wolf tactics can work. Jordan prides himself on one thing alone: being better than you at Rainbow Six Siege. For example, Germany’s formidable armoured barge boasts over 50 crew members, two quadruple mounted 20mm AA guns, two 88mm naval cannons, a pintle-mounted 37mm autocannon, a large calibre machine gun, and depth charges. Type T-38. Thankfully, you can spot torpedos travelling towards you from a great distance provided you’re looking for their iconic, arrow-straight wake. Worse still, in slower ships like the Russian MBK Pr. War Thunder is a cross-platform MMO combat game dedicated to World War II and Cold War … Soukou-Tei (1927) … It’s also worth taking note of where the engines are in your boat and trying to avoid any sustained damage to that area of the vessel as losing power will leave you a sitting duck, waiting to be picked off by the enemy.

This is because they have huge crew numbers compared to tanks and planes, making it very difficult to wipe out the entire crew. In War Thunder’s naval battles not only do you have to overcome significant bullet drop when engaging enemies from across the map, you also have to predict where your target will be when your shots get to them, even more so in naval battles where it’s rare that you or your foe are ever stationery.The gun calibres and bullet types are similar to what you might be used to from Ground Forces but most engagements take place over two kilometres of open water, so judging both bullet drop and horizontal lead simultaneously takes a lot of getting used to. While the same basic principles of agility and firepower apply, you’ll find that unlike with tanks, any boat can kill any other boat. Likewise, you’ll find that while you never stop moving, you’re actually rather immobile compared to your tank and plane counterparts. Researchable vehicles Premium vehicles; I Rank. It’s easy in the midst of a tense exchange of fire to completely forget what direction and speed you’re moving at, which makes correcting yourself when a problem does arise very difficult. War Thunder’s upcoming Knights of the Sea mode looks set to give naval warfare its proper place in the triumvirate of battlegrounds most commonly referred to as land, sea and air. As you might expect, that means you can outfire anything in the game – but only when you’re exposing your side to the enemy.

It might seem obvious that the rapid Elco PT 314 should lead every attack, but actually they function far better as support vessels that move in to clear house with their torpedoes after the larger ships have traded their first few blows. Working together also lets you make use of smaller, more vulnerable boats like the British Fairmile D 617-632 and US Elco PT 314 – both of which can be destroyed by cannon fire.War Thunder’s naval battles don’t take place in open waters – there are always pockets of land, icebergs or wrecked ships to watch out for. It’s still very much in its infancy, with an open beta due to arrive at some point later this year, but already thousands of players are logging in to fire torpedos and dutifully go down with their ship as part of the weekly pre-beta tests available to purchasers of Naval Packs.Naturally, combat on water is a far cry from what you might be used to in a tank or jet fighter. Plus, landing even a single effective strafe on an enemy vessel will at the very least net you a kill assist.There’s a lot more nuance to War Thunder’s vessels than first meets the eye – it’s not just about picking the quick one or the one with all the guns. Aircraft, ground forces and warships fight together in combined combat.
Type T-14. War Thunder is the most comprehensive free-to-play, cross-platform, MMO military game dedicated to aviation, armoured vehicles, and naval craft from World War II and the Cold War. Know more about War Thunder Game. War Thunder’s upcoming Knights of the Sea mode looks set to give naval warfare its proper place in the triumvirate of battlegrounds most commonly referred to as land, sea and air.