METRO EXODUS HOT FIX - 27 MAY 2020. We are pleased to let you know that the latest hotfix for Metro Exodus has now been deployed. Thanks to The Metro Exodus Caspian Sea Damir bug can be a pain to contend with. This is a game breaking bug because now I literally cannot further progress in the game.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA home for fans of the Metro book series, the games Metro 2033, Metro Last Light and Metro Exodus.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser.
Metro Exodus is a survival horror first-person shooter video game that also features stealth elements. Metro Exodus is set in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of …
Exodus Bug Reporting and Discussion Thread. Metro Exodus Wiki Guide. Got stuck by a game breaking bug when getting the railcar. Please continue to comment here and be sure to submit reports to the official tech support linked above. It is indeed a very bad save design but in this particular case I was far away from the stronghold, could make it back to the car and escaped bit by bit by making saves every time I got a bit further but for some reason they just kept throwing grenades even when I was 100s of meters away. As always, it is highly recommended that you file a bug report via the tech support link too. The official line from tech support is to simply restart the chapter via the main menu. The sign would, but the track wouldn't. The first one corrupted my save file and I had to restore to a backup save, the rest I just loaded my last quicksave. The Carriage. As far as we are aware, the dev team is currently working on implementing an as yet undisclosed number of fixes.EDIT 7: We are still actively monitoring this thread. 95. Its dumb. This occurred after I picked up the Valve for the first time. Just making sure the door could not open before I triggered the right moment of the story line would have had solved it. Collecting all the good gear spending hours upon hours.
No dice. It is indeed a very bad save design but in this particular case I was far away from the stronghold, could make it back to the car and escaped bit by bit by making saves every time I got a bit further but for some reason they just kept throwing grenades even when I was 100s of meters away. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Top Contributors: Janet Garcia, Wiki_Creation_Bot, TheVestman + more. After a few days with the game, here’s what we love and what we don’t. I'm playing on Ranger Hardcore Difficulty and went wandering off and got caught with a bad "auto-save" that triggered right when enemies were attacking me. I can't do any stealth attacks.PC version, latest epic store build. In the Caspian sea the mission where I need to get fuel for the train does not progress any further, Damir is at the usual location but he will not speak.I'm in Volga, trying to capture the tug boat. Hopefully 4A Games can provide us with a patch that destroys progress-halting bug soon. The compass just keeps pointing at a dead body near the trucks and Damir continues shooting at a stack of concrete blocks without pause. This same thing happened to me on Volga. Resetting my laptop and exiting the game did nothing to fix the issue. In this new installment, you get to play a more advance and amazing levels which makes it most anticipated game of the year. Close. Please feel free to comment here; however, we kindly request that you also report any bugs on the official forums I am having issues with the boat at the doc getting stuck as soon as i load the chapter for the church and i cant unstuck it no matter what i doI just found an out of bounds glitch, but I am not sure what triggered it and did not try to replicate it.
We thank you for your patience during the wait for this update. Secondly it is impossible to still hit me with grenades even when I made it 100s of meter away from the place. I play on PC, Ryzen 5 2600 with RTX 2070.PS4 The game crashed 4 times so far (blue screen and all) at the Volga level. There is always a chance that somethings goes wrong and with a single save slot you are kinda screwed I reloaded and did everything in the proper order and it was resolvedIn the Autumn interquel chapter (following Taiga) after finishing the cutscene with Anna, Artyom stands up slightly sideways and is stuck in place. He won't come down from the ledge to come boost me up into the cave. Melee also does no damage but still knocks back enemies.PlayStation 4 user.