When it sinks its fangs into you, Mordhau has dozens of hours worth of head chopping, arrow shooting, character customizing, build testing, and lute playing to offer. Switch Just get good at the game lol. Million Dollar Beach House: Season 1 8:21. Just don't buy it, your life will be better.

Es el momento de demostrar lo que somos, y lo grande que es nuestra comunidad. Mordhau; 2019; Loading... Advertisement Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Scroll to rewind the stories and videos that defined 2019.

WoW, but all your spells are random. The saltiest game ever made.

Learn more about cookies in our 20:55. Create your mercenary and fight in brutal battles where you will experience fast paced combat, castle sieges, cavalry charges, and more. There are thousands of possible combinations.Our combat system is designed for fights ranging from duels all the way to large open battles of up to 64 players with castles to be stormed, and fields to be covered in blood.To help personalize content, gather statistics and provide a safer experience, we use cookies.

Tv Schedule Sign in / Register Basket Menu Your Arts and Crafts specialists. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Horde mode is pretty meh as well considering anyone can camp in a tower to be immortal because ai cant climb ladders. Most fun I've had in online games in years.

PoemDude 79,867 views. The thing is, it just isn't fun watching you either **** a team in or get ****ed, there is little to no middle ground in the game. On paper, Mordhau could look like any medieval brawler as we have seen for years. Generally favorable reviews

Mordhau is a slap in the face and a pleasure at every moment. Trusted Reviews. The game-play is slow and clunky, the hit boxes are abysmal. Visit the shop page and get yourself a copy.Create your suit of armor: pick from gloves, arms, shoulders, chest pieces, legs, boots, helmets, and more. Mordhau - Funny Moments (Wins and Fails) Part 7 - Duration: 8:21. PS Vita Pick this up and try it if you are on the fence.The medieval warfare game we were all waiting for.

Visit the shop page and get yourself a copy.

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We only regret the low number of cards and game modes, hoping that it will be completed in the near future via a few updates. ", ButGreat combat system, fun multiplayer, cool community.