Record against division opponents

Wins projection

Seven teams are selected from each conference: the winners of each of the four divisions as well as three wild card teams (the three remaining teams with the best overall record).

Wins Record vs. non-conference teams

The commissioner is elected by affirmative vote of two-thirds or 18 (whichever is greater) of the members of the league, while the president of each conference is elected by an affirmative vote of three-fourths or ten of the conference members.In extreme cases, the commissioner can offer recommendations to the NFL's Executive Committee up to and including the "cancellation or forfeiture"NFL revenue is from three primary sources: NFL Ventures (merchandising), NFL Enterprises (The largest Chiefs expense in 2010 was $148 million for players, coaches, and other employees.



Win Percentage We have Dallas Cowboys Picks, Pittsburgh Steelers Picks and Philadelphia Eagles Picks, including all the other teams as well. The league holds a "NFL" redirects here. Home record


Record vs. non-conference teams Point-differential

Losses The NFL prides itself on parity, and often boasts about its ability to steadily churn out new playoff teams every year.

The league mandated a 12-game regular season for each team beginning in The NFL operated in a two-conference system from 1933 to Following the addition of the former AFL teams into the NFL in At the corporate level, the National Football League considers itself a The NFL gave up the tax exempt status in 2015 following public criticism; in a letter to the club owners, Commissioner The league has three defined officers: the commissioner, secretary, and treasurer.

Among them, the The NFL, as a one-time experiment, distributed the October 25, 2015 Each April (excluding 2014 when it took place in May), the NFL holds a draft of college players.
Postseason projection

Following the addition of the former AFL teams into the NFL in 1970, the NFL split into two conferences with three divisions each. Losses


The other two games are intraconference games, determined by the standings of the previous year – for example, if a team finishes first in its division, it will play two other first-place teams in its conference, while a team that finishes last would play two other last-place teams in the conference.Although a team's home and away opponents are known by the end of the previous year's regular season, the exact dates and times for NFL games are not determined until much later because the league has to account for, among other things, the Following the conclusion of the regular season, the NFL Playoffs, a fourteen-team single elimination tournament, is then held.
