or more scientifically: "Whatever you measure you will never measure the real thing". Erfahrungen mit dem Service "Eine reibungslose Abwicklung. You must log in or register to reply here.

Allie Sherlock Recommended for you which basically means: "Who measures a lot, measures a lot of crap!" I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.Do these guys have no access to measuring equipment?It is indeed the first FDA amplifier that has been tested? even small differences in the input parameters have huge affect on the results. But this amp measures nearly like the Headphoneoutput of a Toy Radio. Amir, since you measured the SINAD with the USB input, maybe you could include it in your DAC chart, as people might look up this device only among DACs and not among amps? I think you read a bit too much between the lines...Looking back at life, I feel I must award myself the Headless Panther. 269 Der große Nubert nuPro AS-250 / 450 und X-7500 Thread Liebe Gemeinde, ich möchte einen Thread zum o.g. I would trough away a device which "sounds :] Again, since the Nubert forum is a customers one, in which people usually exchanging nothing else but how great their purchased products are [ok, some little "I want this and that, had this, would this be better compared to", even sometimes specs of speakers and devices etc. Even a marketing person would know the above frequency response would not sell a single unit. RME ADI 2 Pro - Neumann KH120 A - Kenwood DP7090 | Andreas plays the harpMaybe to mitigate the idiom thing a bit: It is also possible to interpret it with: "If you measure the same thing 10 times with a different method you get 10 different results.
It was purchased by a member from the company in Germany and drop shipped to me. They summarize with the German engineer idiom: "Wer misst, misst Mist!" Which one is the right? Sounddesk eröffnen. Nubert betätigt sich wieder erfolgreich als Preisbrecher, denn mit dem von uns getesteten nuLine-Set stellt die schwäbische Boxenmanufaktur erneut unter Beweis, dass Premium-Qualität auch finanzierbar sein kann. Nubert nuVero 140 Standlautsprecher: Test, Reviews und Erfahrungen von Nutzern der HIFI-FORUM Community zum Nubert nuVero 140. Kunde auf google.de am 14.06.2018 .

OMG HIS VOICE IS UNIQUE- Michael Jackson - Billie Jean | Allie Sherlock & Fabio Rodrigues - Duration: 4:43. Bei weiteren Fragen lohnt sich ein Blick in das Forum von nubert.de. JavaScript is disabled.

Iam realy intersted if and what nubert has to say.As far as I know, Nubert uses the same amp and signal tech for their amp-X, that is used in their NuPro-X active speakers. Now I don't read German, but the reviewer appears to have given a 4.5/5 for RME ADI 2 Pro - Neumann KH120 A - Kenwood DP7090 | Andreas plays the harpIt's somehow reassuring to hear that the Germans can actually manufacture a real klunker.I would rather be called a fool by objectivists telling me I don't hear something that I think I hear over being called a fool by pie in the sky audiophiles who peacock expensive audio jewelry telling me that I should be hearing something that I don't hear.That frequency response below 200Hz... was it in some weird room correction mode by default?
But now near 2020 they are much more curvy! Nubert speakers are well made for there price. "RME ADI 2 Pro - Neumann KH120 A - Kenwood DP7090 | Andreas plays the harpIt is great to see them act quickly and post measurements. Schreibt gerne Erfahrungsberichte, Pro und Cons, etc. if manufacturers post measurements, I am sure they would have caught these issues themselves. In the 80's i stoped looking at frequence responses from amp's couse they were boring. Customers don't ask for it so manufactures just throw a few numbers over the fence. I will address their points as I read them: Nubert Forum Unfortunately, all is in German and my technical background is not strong enough to translate.

Professionelle Beratung bei telefonischen Nachfragen - besten Dank!" Nubert baut ganz normale Lautsprecher, sind hier im Forum nicht soo sehr beliebt, weil es eben auch viele Leute mit viel Hörerfahrung gibt. And these get really good reviews - also from hifi-magazines. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Die Kunden loben die Kompetenz der Mitarbeiter.

Wir bei Nubert sind die Spezialisten für ehrliche Lautsprecher und faszinierenden Musik- und Filmgenuss.

Moin, nun, die Tests sowie Leserwahlen solltest du schnellstens vergessen. Seit über 40 Jahren entwickeln wir ebenso preisgünstige wie hochwertige Boxen, HiFi- und Heimkinoelektronik. The noise must be getting amplified proportionally with volume. This is a review and detailed measurements of the Nubert nuConnect ampX digital integrated amplifier and wireless connector.