Every tree branch let explodes HEATFS .Good luck if you only have maps like Karelia .The cannon is extremely inaccurate especially at long distances .HEATFS Damage is a bad joke . Thats how he makes his money. úrovně a umožní pilotům usednout do kokpitu dalšího jedinečného a všestranného letadla! If he is just "dcking around" most of the time and shows up once every 10 games he isn't that good and has a serious attitude problem.
The last point leads to BR compression. All weather stations report an approach of a hot War Thunder marathon! Back in update 1.47-1.49, when the Maus and T95 were literally just added. So while the Tiger II has to lug around 70 tons of now useless armor, the Ikv-91 can zip around the battlefield and kill it from advantageous positions.
There's a thick line between the two.
SOMUA SM je francouzský experimentální tank, vyvinutý bezprostředně v poválečných letech jako alternativa k v té době paralelně vyvíjenému AMX-50. Promo-code. Once again exactly the same as all rangefinders at its br (even 7.3) high reload? He's also playing the 91 in a single vehicle lineup; while most people are playing it in a lineup with the Strv 81 and the 7.0 U-SH 405; which means probably more than half its actually games are going to be 7.3-8.0. Join now and take part in major battles on land, in the air, and at sea, fighting with millions of … 14,99€ The last point leads to BR …
He plays out of multiple accounts; because I'm here to tell you, he has killed a hell of a lot more tanks with the Pz IV F2 than 492. 49,99€
You do of course realize he is an actual professional WT player right? Latest news.
Watch any of his videos, with any tank/plane/boat and it will look like they are op because of this.
Playing against Phly when he's actually trying is infuriating. 120mm námořní děla na podvozku japonských tanků Či-Ha, které měly zasahovat přímou palbou americké vyloďující se jednotky. 59,99€ © 2009—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. Let’s go! Zoom + Rangfinder+ high reload + HEAT = very strong comrade. Add the recent BR changes, it begs the question if Gaijin even knows their own game anymore. Nančang Q-5 rozšíří linii čínských bitevníků do VI.
In the video, you see multiple occasion where Capture Points (CP) are positioned in the middle of the open. Main CAS is too powerful to be part of Ground Forces.
Has decal He's just dcking around half the time.The guy is a crazy good shot. Additionally, it seems that Gaijin doesn't understand that corridors and alleys artificially increase the size of the map by restricting movement on an already large map. © 2020 by Gaijin Games Kft. 120mm naval guns on the chassis of Japanese Chi-Ha tanks were supposed to hit the landing American troops with direct fire. Everybody knows but we still play in hopes of it might get fixed some day. War Thunder General [WARTG] - 76% of the 4,649 user reviews in the last 30 days are positive. PhlyDaily performs a wonderful in-battle demonstration, 9:45 into the video, of the Ikv-91's ability to pierce an angled Tiger II through the turret, side, upper front plate, and lower front plate, killing crew and modules on all hits. Only hand full of them are really good.
Italské těžké křižníky třídy Zara, které dosáhly téměř dokonalé rovnováhy mezi mobilitou, ochranou a palebnou silou, byly v době stavby považovány za nejlepší lodě své třídy. War Thunder General [WARTG]
It's a map for people who like getting shot in the rear by fast tanks. This just leads to the team has the fastest vehicles capturing it and holding it for half the game, and the other team performing suicidal charges to recapture it or lose the game. He probably loses more skill while on a 10 day vacation than what a lot of WT players have to work with total. CAS in-game is representative of real life, providing crucial reconnaissance, direct fire support in key locations and on key targets, and denial of said missions to the enemy. This thing is now the same BR as the tortoise that in itself is an utter joke. Now, heavy tanks have pretty much started to become like strategic bombers in air battles.
For all legal matters, please contact — ? 40T armoured warfare gameplay churchill 3 fochyou FRENCH HEAVY Fun mode ki-44 Obj 430 patch 9.13 review pl01 space Strike (Martial Art Category) Swedish Tanks top tier tsar war thunder 1.71 new vehicles war thunder chi-ri I war thunder epic game war thunder … Pick up a good round with full spaded Vehicle and tell other how "OP" this tank is . It's just more efficient than a tank using multi-roles like the P-47 or Me-410, where you have enough payload to stop enemy pushes in any part of the map, provide reconnaissance, and decent ability to combat aircraft.
Comments (4) Commenting is no longer available for this news. Tanks like that wouldn't even be good with a 999mm pen HEATFS.